Part 20: The Feast

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The sand was rough against Eve's cheek as she spun her tied wrists behind her back. Lucky for her, Cato's knot tying skills were subpar. Probably because he spent most of his training time on the best ways to chop off limbs.

By the time Eve had her hands free, the sun was beginning to crest back over the horizon.

"I'm gonna kill him." She mumbled to herself as she fumbled with the rope connecting her ankles.

The rising sun lit her path through the woods as she ran towards the cornucopia.

Cato was losing blood fast and she feared what would happen when his body decided it had enough.

She heard them before she saw them.

The sharp clanking of weapons and the loud grunts of men in combat echoed through the woods.

Her feet moved faster and her lungs burned hot as she crashed into the clearing.

She was on the wrong damn side.

A hundred yards in front of her were Cato and Thresh locked in combat.

The closer she got, the harder her heart raced.

Cato's arm was shining bright red as blood seeped through his bandage and he did his best to keep it held tightly to his chest.

His face was deathly pale as he swung his sword at his opponent.

There wasn't much Eve could do from so far away. She had to watch as he swayed on his feet, trying to keep up with Thresh.

He was holding his own, but she didn't know how much longer that would last.

"Cato!" Her voice echoed across the clearing and both tributes turned to her.

She knew she wouldn't hit her mark, but she threw her spear none the less. Thresh twisted out of the way and her weapon landed in the grass behind him. But it didn't matter. By the time he turned back to Cato, a sword was nestled deep in his chest.

He sputtered and coughed as blood leaked from the corners of his mouth. He abandoned his scythe to cling to Cato's arm.

Cato stumbled as he used all of his remaining strength to set Thresh as softly as he could into the grass.

"You fought well." Cato rested his hand on the wide eyed tribute's shoulder.

They were clinging to each other, both feeling half dead. "I'm sure your district is proud."

Eve was there now, kneeling down beside him.

"It hurts." He stuttered out.

"I know." Eve whispered, running her hand over his buzzed hair. "Try not to think about it."

"Where's Rue?"

Eve lost count of how many times she'd felt her heart break. "She's somewhere safe now."

"Mom." His voice came out in a choked sob.

His face was scrunched from the pain in his chest. "I want my mom."

"Just close your eyes." The tears flowed freely from Eve's eyes. "When you wake up she'll be with you."

He nodded, squeezing his eyes shut.

Then she watched the muscles on his face relax and listened to his final breath leave his lungs.

Eve felt his words deep in her soul. She would give anything to see her mother again.

But when she looked over at Cato's pale and sweaty face, she pushed her tears away. She could scream and cry when they were out of the arena.

She pushed herself to her feet and grabbed her spear. "Come on."

Dangerous Allies // Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now