Part 21: The Last Stand

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The forest was pitch black and Eve struggled not to trip over the logs that seemed to constantly be in her way as she walked slowly towards the center of the arena.

"Thanks." She mumbled quietly as Cato held a branch out of her way.

He didn't answer as his eyes continued their constant sweep of the woods around them.

The annoyance of stepping over fallen trees and crouching under branches fell to nothing when the noises started.

Howls and loud snarls echoed through the woods behind them. It wasn't until the trees started to shake that Eve felt fear grip her chest.

Eve turned towards the noise, watching as a giant dog like creature came barreling towards her.

Her blood ran cold. She couldn't run. She couldn't think. All she could do was bring her spear up between her and the mutt as it leapt at her.

Eve's arms burned as she used all of her strength to push her spear upwards, keeping the monster away from her.

The first thing she saw were the piecing green eyes. "Finch."

It was her. Finch's once beautiful face was contorted into a snarling monster as she snapped razor sharp teeth at her face.

Cato was fast to rip the creature off of her, leaving Eve laying on the ground with her stomach turning.

"Go!" Cato bellowed, pushing her ahead of him.

She heard Finch cry out as Cato's sword sunk into her neck.

She crashed into the clearing and listened to Cato's heavy footsteps behind her.

She hit the side of the cornucopia, struggling to get a hold on the slick metal.

Cato grabbed her, throwing her up and over the wall like she weighed nothing. He backed away towards the dogs before leaping up the wall.

He grabbed Eve's outstretched hand and she used all of her strength to help him up to safety. They peered over the edge, watching the dogs leap and snarl at them.

"Oh my God." She looked away as bile rose in her throat. "It was Finch."

"What?" Cato asked.

"It had her face!" She wanted to cry. It was too much. Even for the Gamemakers it felt like a whole new level of evil.

"It's fake." Cato assured her. "They're trying to get in your head."

"They're doing a great job." She said.

She sighed and ran her hand over her face. "That was close."

Her moment of solitude ended with what felt like a train slamming into her side.

The air rushed from her lungs as her back hit the hard metal roof.

Peeta's hands were tight around her throat, cutting off her airflow.

"Cato-" Before she could finish her cry for help, Cato kicked him clear across the cornucopia.

His steps were cold and calculated as he moved like a freight train towards the boy from District 12.

As Cato raised his sword, Peeta's quest for self preservation sent him into Cato's side, tackling him to the ground.

Eve wanted to help, but the sound of an arrow being pulled from Katniss's quiver pushed the idea out of her head.

Cato would be fine. She was sure if that. What she wasn't sure of was whether or not she would be able to take on the girl on fire.

Eve twisted out of the way of the arrow, understanding now why Katniss received such a high score.

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