Part 9: I'm Coming for You

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Finnick's sleeping pills worked well at keeping Eve from worrying the night away.

The morning was another story.

She pushed through the nausea pulling at her stomach while she forced down her breakfast. It was her last guaranteed meal and she wasn't going to let it go to waste.

"Ready, sweetie?" Fira asked, holding out her hand for her to take.

With shaking fingers Eve let the woman guide her to the elevator.

They walked silently down a set of corridors until another unmarked elevator stood in front of them.

Fira's foot tapped nervously against the tile floor as they watched an arrow point to the changing of the floors.

"Remember you'll be on camera the whole time." She said. "But you can use that to connect with the audience."

Eve nodded.

"Now let me fix your hair." She said, fiddling with the strands in the low ponytail she fastened.

Eve didn't struggle when she tugged at her hair. She could barely feel it over the beating of her own heart.

"Now don't be scared." She said. "There's no time for that."

Eve wiped her sweaty hands on her pants and nodded.

"You have to keep your wits." She said. "And don't do anything stupid."

When the doors slid open to the blinding sun Eve sucked in a breath. A huge ship stood alone on the tarmac in front of them.

"Good luck." Fira squeezed her hand. "You can do this."

"Thank you." Eve's voice sounded hollow in her ears.

"I'll see you soon." Fira said, releasing her hand.

"Right." Eve nodded, though she didn't believe the words coming from her mouth.

She dragged her feet towards the ship as she began to come to terms with what was about to happen.

She was going to die.

*** *** ***

Because she was the last to arrive it wasn't hard to find her seat.

She looked across the walkway, meeting Cato's sharp blue eyes.

"Of course." She groaned, collapsing into her seat.

"Oh come on." He laughed. "You're not happy to see me?"

She stayed quiet as she took the time to look over the other tributes.

"I'm happy to see you." He grinned. "Not as much as last night though. You looked great in that dress."

Her eyes shot over to his.

"Tell me, who'd you get to take it off for you?" He asked.


She tried to smile at her own witty remark, but couldn't get her face to show any kind of emotion. She guessed that was a side effect of her impending doom.

Eve didn't notice the way Cato's fists clenched against his thighs while he scoffed. "Yeah right."

Eve's eyes drifted to Finch, who had the ghost of a grin on her face.

She looked back to Cato. "That man really knows how to use his hands."

"And a couple other things." She mused.


She shrugged. "I guess you'll never know."

"Arm." A lady in a pristine lab coat ordered.

Dangerous Allies // Cato HadleyWhere stories live. Discover now