Chapter Four: Silver Linings in Green Lights

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30 August, 1959. Even Later.

Neil and Todd finish unpacking the remainder of their belongings. The room is decorated (as decorated as a Welton dorm room can be) and their beds are made. They are only ever interrupted once, by Cameron, who stops by and apologizes for calling Todd stiff.

He had done this ten years ago and Todd had only silently nodded in response to show that he had appreciated it. However, Todd Anderson was not the Todd Anderson he once was. He didn't just nod.

When Cameron says "hey, sorry for calling you a stiff, see ya later," and attempts to escape without another word, Todd replies.

"No worries.

Cameron barely hears him and, if he was really an asshole, he would have left and likely apologized later if Todd had brought it up again. But he isn't and he stops for a split second in his tracks. He gives Todd the very nod he had expected for himself. They both smile and Todd has gained his respect.

Once Cameron leaves and they are alone again, Todd does not ruin the moment by looking at Neil to see his reaction. He keeps his chilled-out, 'tough' demeanor and busies himself by straightening out the stack of notebooks on his desk. If Neil wants to say anything, he does not.

Time ticks by and, after several hours without a word being spoken, Neil falls onto his bed, stomach first. He sprawls out and groans, the days frustrations spilling out alongside his unsaid fears for the semester. It's a groan that begs for attention—specifically Todds. Todd uses his hand to push himself from his desk and turn to face Neil.


"Todd, what time is it?" Neil's face is pressed against his pillow.

Todd can hardly hear him. "Huh?" A moment later he realizes that Neil has asked for the time. He glances between both the watch on his wrist and the watch perched on his desk.

"What time is it-"

"The time" Todd sheepishly smiles and Neil adjusts his head so that Todd can see the lazy grin on his face. His eyes remain closed. "It's seven fifteen. Almost seven thirty."

"Then it's seven thirty."

"Yep. Almost."

"But you said that it was seven fifteen first." Neil pushes himself up and positions himself to face Todd, sitting. "Seven fifteen and almost seven thirty are very different."

Neil speaks like everything he says is a plan or a secret or a secret plan. One that he can't dare share and always bets that it could jump off the tip of his tongue if it wanted to. This way of speaking makes Neil come off as sarcastic at times and as having the ability to be a lot more mischievous than he let on. That is, when his father isn't watching. Because Todd does not respond rapidly, Neil adds on.

"So, we've got about half an hour til study group."

"Yes. We do." Todd replies timely.

"Plenty of time to go exploring, don't you think? His smile widens and Todd feels very, very nervous.

"Ex-exploring? Todd sputters. Neil nods in excitement.

"Since you're new, you haven't seen all of Welton yet, right? Someone has to show you where all the classrooms are or you'll be lost tomorrow, poor thing!" Neil is standing now. He looks hopeful. Todd, at this moment, is the only person around and, because of it, is the only one that can continually take his mind off of his father's visit. Neil wants to do something his father wouldn't approve of at all.

But, at this moment, Todd knows more than Neil does about what mischievous behaviors at Welton academy can result in. He knows that the coming months will be filled with Neil going against his father's wishes beyond belief once he meets kindhearted John Keating.

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