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The look on Qiblis face was sad, distraught, horrible for Winter he knew he shouldn't give a crap but he just couldn't allow his friend to suffer. He walked up and said "You'll find someone else I'm sure of it" "Yeah!" Moon said intervining. "Your wonderful!" But she looked at me and said "Well sorry look at the guy" "True" I answered "HEY meh have a idea" "what now" Moon said jokingly "LETS GO TO JADEEE MOOUUUNNNTTTAAAIIINNN AGAINNN" "Gee, thanks captian obvious" Qibli said jokingly. "First we must ask Peril, Turtle, and Kinkajou and Umber if we can find him" I said "HOW THE HECK WILL WE FIND HIM" Qibli said "Riighhhttt" I said "Lets just let Umber live with Sora" "Alright then" Moon said "Lets go to Jade Mountain."

Umber was listening the whole time. He was wearing a pouch of skyfire. He was going back with them.

Don don dooonnnnnn

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