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Phil Dunphy created a new chat 

Phil Dunphy: hey dawgs 

Phil Dunphy: wtf happened to the names 

Phil Dunphy: I just created a new chat and it did this 

Alex Dunphy: Why didn't you use the old chat? 

Phil Dunphy: rather than clicking leave chat I think i clicked delete chat 

Phil Dunphy: I tried regenerating it and this happened 

Cameron Tucker: aww I liked it when my username was supercam

Gloria Pritchett: can we go back to the old format

Lily Tucker-Pritchett: yeah, I hate it it's too formal 

Haley Dunphy: I'm getting notifications 

Haley Dunphy: it's 8 in the monring let me at least sleep till 12

Gloria Pritchett: I agree I had to get up at 4 to go to the aeuropeueto 

Gloria Pritchett:  I forgot how to spell airpror

Gloria Pritchett: arepart

Gloria Pritchett: aerpurt

Gloria Pritchett: arrpert

Gloria Pritchett: the flying machine ground home 

Phil Dunphy: i'm sry guys we have 2 deal w/ this bc i cant put it back to the old 1 

Alex Dunphy:  I like this format better 

Haley Dunphy: yeah bc ur alex 

Haley Dunphy: ur the most disgusting being i know 

Alex Dunphy: please elaborate 

Haley Dunphy: your hair smells like cheese 

Alex Dunphy: It's FDA approved organic goat milk shampoo that's produced with zero emissions and is made of completely biodegradable material 

Haley Dunphy: aka cheese 

Alex Dunphy: It is NOT cheese!! 

Haley Dunphy: then why does it smell like cheese 

Alex Dunphy: UGH 

Alex Dunphy: Manny back me up you use the same shampoo 

Manny Delgado:  I stopped using that shampoo a long time ago because people at college said I smelled like cheese. I didn't really smell it then, but now whenever I'm near you I do get a slight whiff of feta. 

Alex Dunphy: Manny shut it. 

Jay Pritchett: please don't forget that you all need to bring food to my house tonight 

Claire Dunphy: Why do we have to bring food? 

Jay Pritchett: because I don't need to cater to you and bring you free food every week. You know you can pitch in too. 

Claire Dunphy:  But you have all the $$$.

Jay Pritchett: doesn't mean i have to use it

Mitchell Pritchett:  I know that. I already bought the cake that I'm bringing specifically for gloglo 

Gloria Pritchett:  ayyyyy Mitch you didn't have to get me cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phil Dunphy: I also bought you a cake. 

Jay Pritchett: that's the one thing I bought because I wasn't expecting everyone to bring stuff. 


Gloria Pritchett: thank you for getting me my favorite things 

Phil Dunphy: no prob 

Joe Pritchett: do i get cake 

Gloria Pritchett: you're my child of course I'd share it with you 

Jay Pritchett: joe, I'm confused about why you haven't come home in like 2 weeks. 

Joe Pritchett: I'm at Claire's!!!!!!!!!!

Jay Pritchett: the store or my child's house

Joe Pritchett:  my sister's house 

Jay Pritchett: that's right she's your ssister.

Jay Pritchett: Claire, is Joe actually at your house? 

Claire Dunphy: Yeah, why? 

Jay Pritchett: Why has no one told me this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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