Phil Dunphy: Okay, I'm going to be respectful and set our usernames back to the old stuff.
Phil Dunphy changed Phil Dunphy's username to therealheadscratcher™
Gloria Pritchett: I don't want my username to be supdummies
therealheadscratcher™: I think you should keep your username that because it would be a good catchphrase for you. pleeeeeeeeaaassseeee?
Gloria Pritchett: I will prefer gloriacake
therealheadscratcher™ changed Gloria Pritchett's username to gloriacake
gloriacake: Thanks phil
therealheadscratcher ™ changed Jay Pritchett's username to Jay-Lo
therealheadscratcher™ changed Mitchell Pritchett's username to mitchypritchy
therealheadscratcher™ changed Alex Dunphy's username to Alex_Dunphy
therealheadscratcher™ changed Manny Delgado's username to money_delgado
therealheadscratcher™ changed Lily Tucker-Pritchett's username to cerealkiller
therealheadscratcher™ changed Claire Dunphy's username to closetclaire
therealheadscratcher™ changed Haley Dunphy's username to UwU ♡
therealheadscratcher™ changed Luke Dunphy's username to Skywalker
therealheadscratcher™ changed Joe Pritchett's username to Joetato™
UwU♡: I don't mean to intravene here but why UwU
therealheadscratcher™: I don't know, I guess whenever I read your old username I read it as UwU? there was no other way to read it except for "weird panda" and UwU sounded better.
Alex_Dunphy: I don't mean to change the subject here, but Haley, I think you mean "intervene." I'm surprised you even knew that word in the first place
UwU♡: Only reason I know that word is because people always say I'm intervening on their brain functioning because of my dumbness.
Alex_Dunphy: people are so cruel! How dare they say that to you!
UwU♡: You said that to me bish
Alex_Dunphy left the chat because of embarrassment
therealheadscratcher™ changed Cameron Tucker's username to supercam
therealheadscratcher™: Did I forget anyone?
Everyone: no
gloriacake: can you get our username to not be bold
therealheadscratcher™: Sure thing, gloglo
therealheadscratcher™ changed gloriacake's username to gloglo
the realheadscratcher™changed the username settings
therealheadscratcher™: Okay guys it shouldn't be bold anymore
mitchypritchy: what, Cam's hand gestures?
supercam: You know that problem can't be solved
mitchypritchy: how so
supercam: they tried to give me medicine for it but it didn't work
mitchypritchy: no duh.
modern family group chat
Fanfictionit's a group chat between modern family characters that takes place probably around season 8 or season 9 time, idk.