Chapter 14

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It had been a few days since the curse was lifted. All had seemingly gone back to normal. Though deep in y/n's mind, she couldn't help the nagging feeling that this curse was not the one foretold about it. It all seemed a tad too easy. It didn't feel right. Sure she ascended into her full powers, but that was bound to happen eventually.

There was sudden bangs at her door, it was still quite early in the morning, the sun was just barely up. Y/n walked over and opened the door. Regina pushed past her, looking around frantically. "Where is she?"

Y/n yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, "Hey Regina, is this some sort of kinky roleplay or-"

Regina pulled a previously hidden dagger out and pointed at the dark one. "She was right! She told me I shouldn't of trusted you."

"Umm, I hate to break it to you, but you can't control me with a dagger like you could with my late brother. But no seriously is this some sort of roleplay-oh-OH wait wait. I'm sorry I'm not in character lemme just-" Y/n acted as if magic was forcing her to her knees, "Ugh, I'm at your mercy my queen. It seems you have control over my entire being."

A quick motion from Regina and Y/n felt as part stinging pain on her cheek. Her hand reflexively went to hold it. When she brought her hand away, it she saw her own blood. Regina had struck her, this was no game. The younger brunette had looked up with hurt eyes at the older witch. Tears threatening to fall.

"Oh stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about. You were the last one seen with Emma and were unaccounted for hours after that." Regina hissed, anger bubbling up in her, she lurched forward holding the blade against Y/n's neck. "I was gonna tell her. I was gonna tell her I wanted to be with her, and you knew it! You knew it so you got rid of her!"

The girl could feel nothing, nothing at all. The shock was like a cold hard slap to the face. Regina picked Emma. Regina had been dragging her along this whole time. Regina would never love her the way she loved Emma. She was a living second place. She was not enough.

The look on the girl's face must have made Regina have some doubts, because the the blade lost some pressure against her throat.

The only words that were able to tumble out of Y/n's trembling lips were, "Regina, you know me, I would never."

With that Regina's grip on the dagger hardened again. "Do I really? What if this has all been one big game to you? How do I know anything that comes out of your mouth is true?"

"Listen, I have no idea why you are so damn paranoid. I don't like Emma, that's true, but I have no reason to harm her. Sure you have picked her, but I'll tell you what-" Even though the sharp edge was still very much a threat, Y/n slowly stood, while Regina kept the blade in place. "You don't deserve me anyways. The whole time you drug me along by a string, you made me fall-" Her mouth quickly shut. She couldn't finish that statement.

"I don't deserve you? Something so lowly as could never compare to that of a queen." Regina scoffed looking down at the girl, and for a moment y/n wasn't looking into Regina's eyes, but rather the eyes of The Evil Queen.

The younger witch's eyes began to water, but her face showed only anger. She couldn't understand why the reformed, kind, and loving Regina was acting such a way. Well, they do say love makes you crazy, and it was now evident that Regina loved none other than Emma Swan.

"If you were going to kill me you would have done it by now." Y/n said, backing away, the knife no longer pressed angrily against to her neck. Her eyes were cast down, as she didn't have the strength to look at the woman she loved. "I have things to do, so unless you are going to have me meet my demise, please leave."

Regina's glare was annoyed and cruel, "I swear if I find out you so much as laid a fling we on her, I promise you I will be your end."

The raven haired woman's words rung in the witch's head as she got herself ready for the day to come. She was still in shock from the whiplash of Regina's treatment towards her. It didn't matter though, the dark one had to prepare herself for she had a meeting with the son of the devil.

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