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3rd person pov
"dad i think i know VERY well who they are.." Chaeyon said as she tried to avoid eye contact with Heeseung.

Of course, she would know them. She had posters of them in her room, and she always bought their albums and went to their concerts.

"Great. They'll be staying in your house in the mean time."

Chaeyon's eyes widen in absolute shock. Why did they have to stay in her apartment? don't they have their own dorms?

"Dad." Chaeyon said while sighing "You know they can't." Silence fell upon them. "Where is mom anyways?" She continued, trying to change the subject.

"But, Chaeyon, it could be a great opportuni-"

"Don't they have their own dorms? i mean i don't hate them or anything but dad, you know i like my privacy a lot." She cut her dad off.

"Some saesangs found where they lived, and when they returned home, it was raided with engenes and saesangs everywhere. So i'm asking you, Shin Chaeyon. Can they stay with you" Her dad said. In quite a serious and scary tone.

She didn't have a choice. She couldn't go against her father. "yeah." she said with her head down "why not" she continued looking back up, smiling.

obviously she wasn't comfortable with her Idols living with her, and she didn't like people staying over, or walking into her safe space.

And obviously only Heeseung saw how hesitant and uncomfortable she was with her father.

"thank you for letting us stay with you" Smiled jungwon, showing off his dimples, as they all bowed slightly.

"Alright, well.. you guys should get going now!" Chaeyon's dad said, leading the way out and putting Enhypen's suitcases into Chaeyon's trunk.



The car was filled with silence. It rained again.

Jake cleared his throat "Uh miss Chaeyon?" everyone turned to hear what he had to say, well except Chaeyon, she was driving.

"Is it possible to get your number?" He bursted out. Everyone in the car looked confused "I MEAN LIKE TO LIKE KEEP IN CONTACT YOU KNOW" he explained himself.

"Ah" she smiled "sure" she unlocked her phone and handed it to jake. while heeseung was in the front seat, watching everything happening.

"I'll create a group chat for the 8 of us incase we want to text!" Jake said and placed chaeyon's phone on the console.


0t7 😎 (+chaechae)

'@theejakesimm😏' added '@shinchaeyon_theicon'
'@theejakesimm😏' changed the group's name to '0t7 😎 (+chaechae)'

what the hell is chae chae

why are you texting when we're in
the same car, jay hyung?


"oh right" jay said.

"chae chae is a nickname for chaeyon, you dumb aus" replied niki. jake gasped

"DID YOU JUS-" "no i said aus not ass u dumb aus"

"but you just-" jake was cut off from someone EXPLODING chaeyon's phone.

"Aren't you going to check who that is?" jake asked

"naur" chaeyon replied to jake.

Jake smirked, and grabbed her phone "hm? from 'jayeun', and a white heart emoji"

"ooohh miss chaeyon noona has a boyfriend." niki said.

heeseung looking confused.

"it's my best friend, and SHE is a WOMEN." chaeyon said. "She's my roommate, so you guys will have to put up with her too. Andddd you guys can drop the honorifics, it's really weird yk"

"sorry for making you uncomfortable then" Sunoo said.


well mostly sunoo to have the wrong idea of her, because he was the sunshine and SO DAMN CUTEEE.

raindrops fell onto the car's windows. silence fell upon them again.


The keys jingled as chaeyon unlocked her house door.

"Here we are" Chaeyon smiled "I haven't made your rooms yet because i didn't expect you guys to be my roommates, but i'll finish setting up your rooms soon!"

"Thank you Chaeyon-ah!" Sunoo said, smiling. GOSH IF THE OTHERS WASNT HERE SHE'D FAINT BY NOW.

"BITCH IM HOME. WHAT THE H- WHAT WHEKKSKSKSKSKKS" her best friend, jayeun yelled.

Chaeyon smiled awkwardly, "my dad made me" she said, chuckling awkwardly.

"hi everyone" jayeun bowed nervously.

She was still in shock, and flabbergasted of course, first her mom finally came back to seoul, and now ENHYPEN is going to LIVE with her and her best friend.

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