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ms. shin cleared her throat.. "we have an announcement" she said, smiling happily.

chaeyon's pov
"chaeyon has finally decided to marry someone, Kwon Hyeokbin!" my mother smiled happily, clapping, as my heart drops. my brother looks at me, worried. i looked at her in shock. i never accepted to marry anyone. my mother just said that so she doesn't look like she forced me to marry that old hag. i envy him. my brother. no one can make choices for him because he's independent enough and has a stable job to continue our family's reputation, while i'm a cafe worker.

i can see heeseung. his face looks disappointed somehow? i just.. i cant think.

after my parents finished their speech or whatever, i drag my mother to the back stage.

"what the fuck mom?" i said to her. "hunny" there she goes, her dumb puppy eyes and that dumb hunny shit I DONT EVEN LIKE HONEY?

"come on. the seo company is famous, don't you like your reputation?"

"no mom. fuck my reputation. if i could, i would've ran away a long time ago." i know i sound harsh. but she's blamed me half of the time for everything, and my dumb step dad always gets mad at me for no fucking reason then beats me the fuck up. one day he's happy and we're a great, happy family and the next fucking day i'm lying in a hospital bed because that old hag can't control his temper. both of them are 2 big fat manipulators. no one besides my brother and jayeun will understand what they've put me through. i was only 2 when my birth father died, and 3 seconds after his funeral my mom was kissing up on that dumb guy i call dad. i was 9 when i thought of suicide, and i was 7 when i harmed myself. that's what they had put me through.


"LOOK. I DONT WANT TO MARRY ANYONE ALRIGHT? I WANT TO HAVE MY OWN FUCKING LIFE LIKE KANG WOO OPPA. CANT YOU DO THAT?" i yelled, tears falling down my cheeks. i had a habit of crying when i'm angry.

"the women in our family is suppose to be graceful and respect our husbands. like it or not, hyeokbin will become your hus-"

"no, no mom. no matter the fuck you say i'm never marry him."


"MOM HE'S FUCKING 47 ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? I'VE PUT UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT EVERY FUCKING DAY OF MY DAMN LIFE." i hated her more than my step dad. my dad was physically draining and i don't give a shit about that. but my mother? she was both physically and mentally draining. if she was one of the seven deadly sins she'd be greed. the only reason she married my dad was because of her greed for his money.

"i'm leaving. like it or not, i'm not marrying him. and don't bother coming to the evening party mom, i'll host it somewhere else."

i said, pulling the necklace she gave me for my birthday off. my neck stung a lot, but more stuff in my life stung me more.

i walked up to the roof top, wiping my tears and breathing heavily. hearing my mom explaining to the guests that i had urgent business in the background. tch. urgent business.. i was having a panic attack, a really bad one. i put on my earphones. i wanted to jump off then and there, but i had too much to live for. my brother, my friends, and them. a youtube notification popped up in my phone 'enhypen has shared a new vlog!' "Seriously? now?? whatever i'll watch" i said giggling to myself, wiping my tears.

it was currently 4 something pm, i finished watching the en-o-clock episode, and continued listening to a few songs. i've been here for probably half and hour so maybe 4:30? or 4:31? (a/n: it was 4:28 😊)

"chae?" i hear a voice say behind me. him. heeseung.

"hm?" i say, not bothering to turn my head back to face him. i mean how could i? mascara and my eye makeup was flowing down my face, i was crying pretty much the whole time.

he sat next to me, taking out one side of my earphones and putting it in his ears. he slightly laughed at me. "what?" i darted my head to him. "who listens to red lights when they're sad?" he said, pulling my face to face his while wiping my tears. "shut up" i push his hands off of my face.

"do you want to marry him?" he said.

"no and i'm not going to."


"not responding to my mom's messages, not going to her events, not showing up to family meetings, and more"

"but she's your mom, isn't that too harsh?"

"you have 10 seconds to run before i rant to you about the shits my mom and step dad has done to me."

"STEP DAD? i didn't know. and the guy looked so nice when i first saw him"


"go on"


"rant to me, anything, everything you want to let out." he smiled at me.




he just listened to me rant for an entire hour. listening carefully to everything i had to say.. we got so lost in time that i-

"SHIT SHIT SHIT" i said.


"it's 5:21, my birthday party!!!!!!"

"you don't have to go yk" he said, shrugging.

"NO. i bought a beautiful dress. i'll just invite the people i want through text!" i looked at him, realising he was just looking at me like i was the most beautiful flower he saw.

he leaned in, closer and closer.

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