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"1:00 AM"

'i cant sleep..' chaeyon thought.

chaeyon walked out of her bed and wore her slippers, walking to the balcony of the hotel they're staying in. there were many starts tonight, and a quarter moon, with the beach underneath her she felt calm.

the thoughts of her mom came running back to her, so she decided to go downstairs, to the beach. hearing the calm waves made her mind rest in peace. she took out her earphones, putting on her spotify playlist, drawing random figures in the sand. (a/n: listening to pink parentheses playlist rn 😜).

after a minute, she decided to stop playing with the sand, and went on instagram. "heeseung.." she said, smiling at her phone as she clicked on his profile, looking at his newest post. it's her? "what?" she said, confused at his post "it's just me and some numbers in the caption.." she looked at the numbers, and decided to google it. she was about to type something in google when she was stopped by someone tapping on her shoulder.


"hi" he says, smiling as he sits on the sand beside her. "what are you doing here at 1 in the morning?" he asks her, not breaking eye contact.

"i was bored" she smiled at him, looking into his bambi eyes. they were just looking at eachother.

the more he looked the at her, the more beautiful she gets, her eyes were black and you can easily drown into her mysterious eyes. her lips looked so soft, and pink.. everything about her was perfect to him, he couldn't find a single flaw about her.

"hey heeseung?" she says, snapping him out of his trance. "what's 14322?" she asks, looking at him.

"don't worry about it" he smiled at her. "now let's go back to our rooms!" he stood up then ran after kicking sand at her making her clothes dirty "HEESEUNG ITS A WHITE SHIRT" she yelled at him, chasing him. once she got close to him, she tried to jump on him which failed and make a pretty loud thud, thinking of something.. "YAHH" she yelled at the boy with a whiny voice, sounding like she was going to cry, hearing her, he turned his back immediately and ran to her checking if she was okay. "are you okay chaeyon?" he asked her, making her smirk. chaeyon grabbed / pulled heeseung's hair making him wince in pain. she laughed at him, not letting him go as she pulls harder making him hit her hands, trying to get it off of his hair.

"OKAY IM SORRY I'LL BUY YOU A NEW SHIRT" he squinted his eyes and yelled. hearing the boy's sentence, she lets him go and got up. he gave her his hoodie and she puts it on. it was slightly big but she didn't care, she was still mad that he got sand on her shirt 😔 "that's what you get asshole" she kicked the part where the sun doesn't shine then ran while giggling. the boy fell down after the kick, and got back up. though the boy was in a lot of pain, atleast he got to spend time with her.

realising she wasn't going back to the rooms, he sprinted to her. when he caught up with her, they continued walking by the beach, besides eachother. he noticed she had earphones in and took one side out to listen to the song with her.

after a few more minutes, they finally decided to go to their rooms.

𒊹︎heeseung_iscool (✔︎)

𒊹︎heeseung_iscool (✔︎)

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heeseung_iscool late night walk with @shinchaeyon 🤍
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