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★ a/n: just some insta shit before chapter 31

"10:00 PM"

𒊹︎ whois_jungwon (✔︎)

liked by heeseung_iscool, shinchaeyon and 991

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liked by heeseung_iscool, shinchaeyon and 991.672 others
whois_ jungwon yoi! @heeseung_iscool
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shinchaeyon (✔︎) jungwon you're the cutest little creature i've ever seen you're so adorable
                                  i'm sobbing real tears. your presence alone is amazing i love you.
        ➜ heeseung_iscool (✔︎) WAHT ABOUT ME????!!!!!!
        ➜ whois_jungwon replied to shinchaeyon
              i love you too noona! 😊💗💓💞

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posted 2 hours ago

𒊹︎ shinchaeyon (✔︎)

𒊹︎ shinchaeyon (✔︎)

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