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listen to 'try again' and 'understand x pluto projector' while reading this 😘👍🏻)

"heeseung, i cant help feeling like this, okay? they're literally throwing foods and vegetables and shit at me! i can't even go out properly without getting attacked!" chaeyon yelled at heeseung, wiping off the shits the 'engenes' threw at her.

The hate for their relationship—more like chaeyon—hasn't died down. It got worse...

and that only made her feel worse about their relationship.

they've been fighting over the smallest things these past few weeks, because chaeyon felt really bad and didn't feel good enough for heeseung—the hate got to her. it wasn't that bad the first few weeks but it sooner got worse, and people started demanding them to break up. they'd even go as far to sending death threats and putting signs infront of the hybe building, which only made chaeyon feel 1000 times worse.

she didn't want heeseung's career to end because she liked him.

maybe she should've just stuck to being a fan.

"chaeyon.. i.. i don't know what to do.. i mean, can't you just bring bodyguards over to protect you?" heeseung responded.

"I TRIED!" she yelled louder. her voice echoed though the practice room. thankfully the members left to give them space to talk.

"i don't know what to do.. i can't protect you, im sorry. i really want to protect you but, i'm just really busy with the upcoming schedule. i don't want to hurt you.."

"YEAH WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU STARTED DATING ME!" chaeyon yelled. she held in her tears but obviously her feelings got to her, only making her tears fall more and more. "you don't mean that.." heeseung looked at her with desperate, yet angry eyes

of course i don't mean that.

"i know i sound like those typical very very insecure girlfriends, but i feel like you don't care anymore. i know you're busy with your job and shit, but when you come back home, you don't really have the enthusiasm to talk to to be with me anymore. It's like you keep changing! one second you're this nice, understanding person, then suddenly you raise your voice at me and act like i'm just a side chick to you!."

"listen, i'm just really busy chaeyon! i can't just be with you every hour of the day, alright? i have a job!" he raised his voice at her.

"i feel like you don't put any effort into our relationship anymore" she cried. "i'm so sorry, heeseung but i can't do it anymore! you can go back home after you're finished with practice, i'll be staying at my parent's" she said, holding her tears once more before grabbing her bag and leaving the HYBE building, tears falling down her eyes hysterically as soon as she left the buidling, she couldn't stop the tears.

only after chaeyon left, heeseung felt guilty. he should've ran to her, apologised, begged her to stay. but he knows she'll probably never agree. so he let her go.

he let her go.

maybe they weren't suppose to be together, or maybe they fell out of love.

but falling out of love with someone you'd die for is not the case for heeseung. He was too stressed with keeping up with his duties as an idol so he barely makes time for chaeyon. it was his fault, he should've prioritised her as much as his job.

"i'm sorry, chaeyon" he said, breaking down on the floor with quiet sobs.

"i love you, i'll always love you,

and i will always wait for you.

im so sorry.

i love you."

chaeyon's pov
i want to scream. i don't want to go to my parents house. i can't go looking like this. i'm literally crying on the sidewalk near a 7/11.

i took my phone out of my tote bag to dial someone who'd let me stay at their house.

"oppa?" i said, my voice slowly breaking again. i held my tears.

"chaeyon, are you okay?" my brother says in a worried tone.

"kangwoo oppa can i stay at your apartment until heeseung and his members get a new dorm please?" i beg, tears falling down my cheeks again. wow. never knew how a guy can affect me this much.

"did he hurt you?" my brother says in an angry-worried tone.

"no oppa. i broke up with him."

"oh." he became quiet for a second before speaking again "sure, you need me to pick you up?"

"yes. thank you, kangwoo oppa." i say before hanging up the phone


i sobbed again as i waited for my brother. people stared at me. and 'engenes' were even whispering about me crying while sitting on the sidewalk, and some even taking pictures, not bothering to turn their phone off silent mode, not ashamed at all.

i just want the best for you heeseung. i know it's been your dream to continue as a successful idol.

i'm sorry.

I loved you.


i love you, i probably still do. but i can't bear seeing your career going down because of me.

i'm sorry that this was the ending of our story

i love you. and i'll be watching and supporting you from afar as a fan.

even if we aren't together anymore.

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