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heeseung's pov
"3:00 AM"

my head hurts.. how much did we drink?


i smile as i see her sleeping on top of me on the couch. she's so stunning. i play with her hair, smiling to myself like an idiot. i love everything about her so much.

she opens her eyes and groans "hi" she said, with a yawn. "my head hurts"

"you drank 2 whole bottles, chae" i smile at her.

she smiled, squinting her eyes. her eyes. my favourite features. "go back to sleep, it's just 3 am" i smile, wrapping my arms around her waist. she smelled like flowers, though she drank way more than everyone.

i noticed everyone was already gone, maybe they went in their rooms?

i soon dozed off while playing with strands of her hair, keeping them away from her face to avoid blocking her beautiful features from my view.

chaeyon's pov
he's playing with my hair. i can feel his gaze on me. GOSH THE EFFECT HE HAS ON ME how to sleep knowing you have a 99% chance that lee heeseung has a crush on you????????

i soon dozed off after him playing with my hair a bit more.

"7:34 AM"

i woke up, me and the 6 foot boy still cuddled up together.. i examined his features, while my hand subconsciously goes to face, touching and poking his cheeks. he's like a magnet, and i'm the other pair of magnet. i want to be with him all the time..

"you've been staring at me for a long time" he suddenly said.


"how did you not realise i was awake?" he slightly laughed at me as i glare at him

i heard a sound of a click.

"BHAHHAHAHAHA" jayeun suddenly bursted out laughing, snapping a picture of me and heeseung snuggled up on the couch with niki and jake behind her, giggling like little girls. "gosh" i said to them, while getting off of heeseung but still sitting on the couch.

"picnic, me and you tomorrow 9am" he sat up and whispered to me after those little girls went to the gaming room, before i go a chance to speak, he got up and went to get ready to go to Hybe's building. do i not have a say in this, BUTTTTTT LIKEEE i do i wanna go 🤭

3rd person pov
"the comeback is 2 months left! make sure to practice hard!"

the manager announced before leaving. "nae.." heeseung said, looking at his phone while smiling like an idiot, then sulking, then smiling, then sulking again.

"hyung are you ok" niki asked.

"he didn't drink his medicine today" jay said with a sniffled laugh, heeseung glared at him.

"what's up?" jake said, running up to them.

"hyung is sulking because chaeyon noona isn't replying to his messages." niki answered jake's question.

"and then he smiles again when he sees chaeyon's instagram posts, i know psycho right?" jay fills in as jake laughs at heeseung's clingy behaviour

"WE'RE HOMMMEEE!!!!!" niki and sunoo shouted in unison. silence.

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