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"heeseung?" i looked up at him. ok i know i'm traumatised right now but BOYYY HE LOOKS GOOD.

"hi" he smiled at me.

i suddenly hugged him harder, wrapping my arms around his neck, taking him by surprise. i giggled. "why are you here anyways"

"i could ask you the same chaeyon" he looked at me, with sparkles in his eyes like i'm a unicorn or something. (weirdo alert)

"i asked first" i said, flicking his head, making him wince then laugh.

"i missed you" he smiled at me. that dumb bambi smile.. his lips look juicy 😍😍 okay wait what i'm supposed to be crying or traumatised because i literally just got sexually assaulted.. ok no i need help


i kissed him unconsciously. what. what. i pulled away immediately, running back to my room with heeseung chasing me from behind.

i heard him knocking on my door, wanting an explanation. but i just ignored him 🤷‍♀️. i need some time off men, i didn't even know i kissed him it was so sudden.. okay but like the moment i kissed him it just gave me flashbacks so i ran..


3rd person pov
"cute" heeseung smiled, touching his lips.

"AIN'T NO WAY." Jayeun yelled, making the whole house hear. she sprinted up to chaeyon's room hastily, knocking on her door aggressively, screaming chaeyon's name making the members wake up.

"JAYUEN LEAVE ME ALONE RIGHT NOW I SWEAR TO GOD IT IS 4 IN THE GODDAMN MORNING." chaeyon yelled through the door, frustrated with jayeun's continuous banging. i mean, what can be so important that she has to wake chaeyon up at 4am?

"NOONNNAAAAAA" sunoo yelled at jayeun, looking at jayeun from downstairs with his sleeping eyes and his messy hair.

(a/n: inside the house kinda has like a balcony thing kinda?
so there are stairs and there's railings, so you can see the
downstair's kitchen and bedroom)

"SHUT UP SUNOO" jayeun yelled at the boy, forgetting that she cried over him like 2 months before they met. They were getting so comfortable with eachother that sometimes the members would just swear around the house, yeah it's normal for grown men to cuss but the girls didn't expect Sunghoon to call chaeyon a whore because she said his dog looked like every other basic white dog. anyways back to the point wasn't jayeun the one who told everyone to back off chaeyon because she needed space? so why's she banging at her door at 4 in the morning?

"CHAEYON IF YOU DO NOT COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM RIGHT THIS SECOND I WILL" yeah right, what will jayeun do that'll scare chaeyon? "TELL EVERYONE YOU LIK-" that's was what it took chaeyon to come out and cover jayeun's mouth. "what" chaeyon glared at jayeun. chaeyon had mad ass frizzy hair because she lost her silk pillowcase and it kinda scared jayeun but whatever. Jayeun pushed chaeyon and pushed her into her room, closing and locking the door.

"alright remember the numbers heeseung had on his instagram?" jayeun said, looking at her best friend who was started to doze off.. "CHAEYON"

chaeyon opened her eyes quickly, trying to stay awake as she tries to listen to her friend.

"okay the numbers mean.."

"just get to the point jayeun i'm getting sleepy"

"ok so- chaeyon wake the fuck up"

"cant this just wait i'm sleepyy"

"you know what fine, sleep hoe"

chaeyon rolled her eyes jokingly, and laughed at her friend.


"chaeyon it's 7 wake up now" jayeun banged against chaeyon's door again. The boys had already gone to rehearsal since their concert was in a week..

chaeyon opened the door, with sleepy eyes but with her hair less messier. "come in"

"okay so the numbers in heeseung's post"

"yeah what about them jj?"

"u didn't look it up?"


"he likes you."

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