Chapter 2: Shenanigans In The Bronze Sea

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As Kala rows his boat towards the north he thinks to himself about what he's forgotten due to his memory loss but soon remembers one of the things Morden mentioned to him

"You still remember how to use magic right?"

with those words he stops rowing his boat, sitting down and relaxing himself

"Breathe in... Breath out...picture what you desire to create..."

He outstretched his hand and gathered mana into his palm, aiming toward the ocean so as not to hit anybody, he closed his eyes to focus himself before shouting out an incantation as he remembers what his magic is

"Light Blast!" Kala screamed out as a ball of Moonlight magic shot itself from his palm, landing in the ocean and on contact with the water it explodes and pushes away all of the water near its blast radius, he looks at the water before looking at himself

"Yes!" He raises his arms into the air in triumph albeit small, soon he starts to do blast after blast before the orbs of moonlight stop appearing, Kala was confused but then realized why it had stopped, he closed his eyes and started to gather mana to in a sense recharge himself and after the small rowboat was shaken by him reaching max capacity he stumbled and fell into the water, swimming back up to get back on his boat, panting heavily as salty sea water dripped from his clothes which helped him decide what to do next, after a bit more practice he continues on his way to Redwake, unfortunately for him, fate had other plans as the route he had, unfortunately, was a bit...chaotic.

Loud bangs were heard in the distance as Kala sailed toward the southeast, he wasn't paying attention as he thought they were elsewhere until his little boat ground itself against a rapidly moving surface, and with that he stopped to look at what hit him only to see that he was currently in the middle of an intense naval battle between two large ships, fighting words were heard as both sides fired another volley towards each other and his boat had unfortunately been caught in the crossfire, going with his instincts he jumps towards the closer boat before his rowboat was sunk, screaming as he landed head first into one of the large ships, the ship he landed on being a Grand Navy ship.

???: "Oi! who are ya!?" Says a Grand Navy sailor who points his cutlass at Kala

Kala: "WAIT WAIT HOLD ON LET ME STAY ON THE SHIP" he responded to the sailor and tried to stop him by putting his hands in front of said cutlass to block it

???: "Leave em alone, we have more important matters at hand." said another Sailor but this one had a gruffer voice, Kala looked at who it was and saw that they were the captain judging by what they were wearing and the fact that he was at the helm

???: "Aye aye!" the sailor with the cutlass along with many others get back to their positions as their ship suffers another volley, one of the men was hit with debris from the ship getting blown

Kala seeing that he was in quite a predicament saw the pirates on the other ship and seeing what was going on saw one of the pirates trying to board, he wasn't letting that happen, focusing himself he sends the boarder flying into the ocean with a Light Blast, the captain of the ship sees his act and calls him

???: "Hey kid! if you want to help us then start shooting at them!"

Kala hearing their command nodded in response and started to climb up towards the crow's nest before shooting even more Light Blasts towards the opposing crew and picking them off one by one, the pirates meanwhile saw that they were outmatched especially because they had a magic user all of a sudden decided to cut their losses and sail away, getting hit a few more times before eventually getting out of sight, the Marines cheer and celebrate their victory as Kala slides down to join them, the captain sighs in relief and goes down to where Kala was

???: "You did good kid, what's your name?"

Kala: "Kala Kayaba sir! thanks for letting me onto the ship"

???: "No worries boy, and call me Captain Morris, now what are ye doing out here in the sea?"

Kala: "Right! I was on my way to Redwake since it was nearby, guess I'm not going there since my boat got wrecked because of the battle-"

Captain Morris: "You're headed to Redwake? well I can help ye there, just sit tight and relax, you look pretty rugged though"

Kala: "Well it's a long story, all I know is that I don't know due to me having memory loss"

Captain Morris: "That sounds quite unlucky lad, ya sure you don't want to come with us to Silverhold? we could use someone like you, and maybe we could find someone to help ya with that amnesia problem a yours"

Kala: "Thanks for the compliment but... I think I'll find those answers for myself, thanks for the help though sir, now if I could just hitch a ride-"

Captain Morris: "We don't mind, after all, you did just help us, so we'll get ya to Redwake, sounds good aye?"

Kala: "Perfect! thank you sir Morris!"

Captain Morris: "Alright then enough lollygagging, Men! set sail for Redwake!"

Marines: "Aye!" the marines drop the sails and get to work repairing the ship along with healing the crew, meanwhile Kala himself climbs back up to the Crow's nest to take a rest, it's been a long day and he was getting sleepy, getting comfortable up there he soon closes his eyes and falls asleep.

To be continued...

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