Chapter 8: Journey To The Stepstones

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Somewhere in Skycliff Island...

???: "You guys, i got orders from the boss"

???: "What is it?"

The Hooded figure takes out a letter for them all to read

???: "These guys are just kids...did boss finally lose it?"

???: "They're more than kids, especially that one..." the one who is seemingly the leader places his finger on a picture of...

We finally cut back to our motley crew of Kala, Vera and Edward on their way to the stepstones, following behind Iris who seems to have already made it up the mountain infront of them

Kala: "So that's the way to Cirrus? That looks really tall-"

Vera: "Only looked at it from afar but seeing it up close... It's pretty daunting..."

Edward: "It may look like that but it's quite possible to climb, you just have to watch out for the rocks"

Kala: "What rocks?" Just as Kala asks a few chunks of rock fall from the top and crash into the water which spouts out high due to the impact "Whoah-"

Vera: "Good grief-"

Edward: "Yep, and we're headed there, it'll be a while though so just wait while i sail us there"

Both nod as they look towards the sea, the water parting slightly for their boat as they head south from Frostmill, the wind is pushing them there faster as well, what could possibly go wr-


I just had to say something didn't I.

The boat gets shaken as a cannonball skids towards their boat and scratches the side of the boat, Edward was to familiar with this feeling...

Edward: "Pirates!"

Vera and Kala jolted up from their sitting positions as they look towards the direction of whatever shot at them

Pirates indeed, and they're getting ready to fire another Volley, Vera gets to the cannon and starts to fire back at them, managing to score a direct hit on one of the enemy's cannons disabling it and whoever was manning it

Kala gets up to the crow's nest and checks out what they're facing using a rifle scope

Kala: "Edward they're getting ready to shoot!"

Edward: "Hit their cannoneer! Vera is still loading the cannons!" Edward steers Starboard to try and dodge the next volley

With his command Kala focuses and...


He takes the shot, the bullet whizzes through the air before hitting the cannoneer on their head and dropping them, the other two hurry up as Kala reloads and he manages to take another one down before the last cannoneer on that side fires their cannon before being shot down as well

Kala: "Brace!"

Edward: "No need!" Edward manages to mostly dodge it with the cannonball only taking a bit off the side, like a corner part or something

Edward: "Vera get ready to fire!"

Vera: "Got it!" their ship approaches the front of the pirate ship, the pirates obviously know their plan and start to shoot at them, forcing the others to take cover as Kala takes out his flintlock and starts shooting back at them along with using his magic which provides enough cover fire for Vera to shoot

Kala: "Vera let em have it!"

Vera: "Take this!" She lights the fuse and in just a moment the cannon fires and starts to tear through the pirate ship and it's crew, the pirate ship couldn't hold out long now, but the enemy was quite pissed, they would not let that slide so they hopped out and swam towards them, our three heroes see this and they get ready for combat, and as they get on the ship Kala goes in from the top row with his dual blades to engage

Arcane Odyssey: Adventures of Kala KayabaWhere stories live. Discover now