Chapter 4: The Hermit

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It's been a hot minute since we saw Kala Kayaba last time and it looks like he's become stronger, this was due to taking that request from a warrior about the spire bandits and they we're easy to beat, only hard part was swimming there, while he was there he also got himself a few new things like armor and an old greatsword, feeling like he's ready he soon swam towards the Hermit's location

(I actually had to do this as i lost my boat)

Soon after getting to the island he takes a look at his surroundings, and in said surrounding was a man wearing a wide hat

Kala: *In his mind* "This must be the hermit...time to ask him about what Alfarin told me to ask him...i have a bad feeling about this though.."

He approaches the man as the tension rises, he has a really bad feeling about this

Kala: "Hello?-"

Mysterious Hermit: "You should not have come here..."

The man stands up with his sword drawn, dashing towards Kala with the intent to kill, seeing this Kala dodges just barely as the path beside him gets shredded by that single slice, he draws his greatsword and counter attacks the hermit who dissapears in a cloud of green smoke

Kala tries to gain some distance as he does not know where his adversary is, that is until the Hermit shows up above him and releases a myriad of slashes imbued with poison, Kala has no choice but to block, getting hit by the attack and getting poisoned by the magic but he dosen't suffer much from it, the battle continues on as both nick eachother with blade and sorcery, Dodging as the Hermit tried to ambush him again and again before soon managing to trick them, with the Hermit bamboozled Kala delivers the finishing blow and sends them flying, he was about to dash in and continue his assault until he hears the Hermit's voice again

Mysterious Hermit: "Enough! You have bested me. I'm sure you didn't come here just to fight, so what is it you want?"

Kala: "Well i'm here on Chief Alfarin's orders to tell you that your magic is causing problems"

Mysterious Hermit: "What manner of problems? I've only recently discovered my ability to use magic, and I don't believe i have full control over it yet."

Kala: "You see that's the thing...The fish are dying, and ships are getting damaged"

The Hermit was suprised

Mysterious Hermit: "Wh-really?- I did not realize...using my Acid Magic over the ocean many times a day does not sound good for the environment, indeed."

Kala: "Acid may have been a dead ringer my friend"

Mysterious Hermit: "Yes, maybe i should've seen that...Well,out of respect for your strength, I will leave this place. I was planning to depart within the next year anyway. Perhaps we will see each other again some day, when we are both much stronger."

Kala: "Good with me, the names Kala Kayaba by the way"

Mysterious Hermit: "Kala Kayaba huh...then call me Shura, i hope to meet you again on better terms friend"

Kala: "So do i"

Both shake hands as the problem is ended easily and peacefully

Shura: "I shall leave as soon as i collect my things, farewell friend"

Kala: "Stay safe!" Kala waves Shura goodbye as he leaves the island to swim back to Redwake...

After a good amount of swimming involving going the wrong way, Kala soon gets back to Redwake and runs to the Chief to report to him

Chief Alfarin: "You've returned... Welcome back to Redwake. Well then, what did the hermit have to say?"

Kala: "Funnily enough...he was the culprit-"

Everyone in the room looms at Kala like "hold on is this dude serious?"

Chief Alfarin: "He was? What's he playin' at? If this is on purpose, we best send some ships over there and take care of him ourselves."

Kala: "There's no need, he's leaving, and plus he didn't mean to, he recently learned how to use magic and may have practiced in the ocean a little to much so he's leaving now"

Chief Alfarin: "Ah...well good. How did ya convince him?"

Kala: "He respected my strength, and plus, he was planning on leaving anyway around next year"

Chief Alfarin: "That so? I knew ya were tough after fightin' them pirates, but you saved us once again. We can't thank ya enough. I trust that the seas will retuen to normal in a few weeks, soon as he leaves... Anyway, you're free to stay here as long as ya like, as our honored guest. You saved my people and our way of life by drivin' away that hermit, for that I'll be forever grateful."

Kala: "Thank you! I just wanted to return the flavor"

Chief Alfarin: "One last thing, when you're ready to leave Redwake, I'd appreciate it if ya could head to Frostmill Island and search for my scout named Hallfrid"

Kala: "Why is that?"

Chied Alfarin: "I sent him there to learn the truth of the rumors that have been circlin', but he hasn't come back yet due to the cursed waters 'round here. When you're ready to leave us, go there and tell him it' s safe to come home, if you'd be so kind. On that note, this is farewell. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here."

Kala thanks the Chief again before leaving the shark hall, he was tired after the fight and was headed straight for the Inn, but then something caught his attention, he saw the warehouse and rushed there to see the source, it was a girl, they we're also a magic user and he could tell, why? Because they had similar magic, only this one...shone as bright as the sun...

To be continued...

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