Chapter 9: Captain Morris

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Our story continues with the crew and their new crewmate Cain Phoenix as they approach Palo Town...only to be stopped by a Grand Navy Fleet, the crew are confused until one of the boats stops right next to them, one of the sailors hops on and proceeds to speak...

Sailor: "Sorry Lady and gents, mandatory ship check, we don't want a fight we just need to make sure you're not here to interrupt the execution"

Kala: "Execution??"

Vera: "Oh my"

Edward meanwhile has his hood cover enough of his face to not be noticed

Cain: "Don't you know about Palo town? They're always doing executions"

Kala: "Is that so...well sir me and my crew just want to dock at the island, we're pretty tired from our long trip and it's not finished yet so if it's no problem..."

The sailor thinks for a moment, inspecting everyone and after a bit he speaks up again

Sailor: "Very well, you may pass, remember that the Grand Navy is always watching"

And with that they jump back onto the ship they came from and return to position, seeing that they were greenlit to proceed they open their sails again and sail into Palo town...

After docking the crew step onto the island and the first thing they see...

"Damn pirate!" "How does karma taste!" "JUST KILL HIM ALREADY"

They are met with a fervorous crowd of people, they look very angry, and infront of the crowd is a tall podium, a pirate and two Grand Navy soldiers are stood atop, one of them speaks

Executioner #1: "SILENCE!"

With his booming words the anger dies down slowly until silence takes the area

Executioner #1: "Thank you, we will now begin the execution of the infamous pirate Jones the Reckless"

Executioner #2: "He has followed his namesake and had fallen last week into our hands"

Executioner #1: "And now he stands here to be executed by the order of the Grand Navy"

The second Executioner starts to list down the criminal record of the pirate Jones the Reckless, listing many terrible acts such as killing stranded people, raiding merchant and Grand Navy ships and more

Executioner #1: "Now then, before we execute this scum, our commanding officer has a few words to say to all of us..." He makes way for a familiar who goes to the front of the podium standing proudly, the others question who that is but only one knows who they are...

Kala: "Captin Morris...?"

The captain clears his throat before he begins his speech...

Captain Morris: "Proud citizens of the bronze sea, I ask you to listen and watch as this scum of the seas is given just punishment for their crimes against the people, he was just one of many that were tempted by evil's riches, and let it be that you do not follow the same fate, now bear witness the punishment of those who choose the path of being a pirate, but before that, let us hear your last words pirate scum"

After a bit the pirate speaks...

Jones the Reckless: "Don't listen to the grand navy! They'll arrest you for doing anything, i admit to my crimes but you don't have to admit yours, i've lived my life free from the law and i have no regrets, so i'm ready to go!"

Once he finishes, Captain Morris gives the executioners the signal, and with that the two raise their spears before stabbing their quarry at the same time, the pirate does not scream in pain, he only smiles before dying quietly

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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