Chapter 3: Jaws Over Redwake

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After a small victory party on the Grand Navy Ship they soon reach Redwake, Kala hopping off onto the dock

Kala: "Thanks for the ride Sir Morris! I'm in your debt!"

Captain Morris: "No need to thank me, it be what i do best, though i will warn ye boy"

Kala: "About what? Redwake?"

Captain Morris: "Yeah, from the looks of things it don't seem to lively, and seeing the pirates over there has confirmed that" the Captain points over to the Pirates patrolling the dock, obviously they're tense as there's a navy ship but don't want any trouble
...yet "Yer a magic user though so i believe you'll be fine, just stay level headed and send em flying if ye have to, good luck!" Captain Morris says before commanding his crew to sail off to elsewhere, and with that done Kala walks towards the dock to see a woman hiding down there and goes towards her

Kala: "Hey there! Why are you hidi-"

???: "Shh! What are you doing here?" The woman says in a quiet tone
"Now isn't exactly the best time to visit Redwake..."

Kala quiets his tone down

Kala: "Why are you hiding?" even though he already knew the answer

???: "Pirates just landed here, but since all of our warriors have gone hunting, the rest of us are defenseless and hiding..."

Kala: "Well...I can scare them off"

???: "Are you sure? I'm gonna be don't look like a fighter to me. You're definitely more able than the rest of us, though..." she thinks it over before sighing
"Alright fine. But promise me, don't do anything risky!"

Kala: "i won't, just sit tight"

Kala hops up, dagger his hand along with his magic, he charges into the battle battling Jaw pirate after Jaw pirate, the pirates gave him some trouble but he managed to scare them off, he was exhausted obviously from the fighting but he'll live

Soon after the pirates retreated the townspeople came out and seeing they we're in the clear went back to doing their things, Kala was glad they we're alright and saw the woman from before heading into the Inn, he follows shortly after, there he saw the woman cleaning a glass, seems like she's the owner

???: "Hey, you found me! Sorry for not telling you before i left, but i snuck back here while you we're beating up those pirates. It seems like the rest of the town came out of hiding, too."

Kala: "Are you alright?, no one saw you?"

???: "Oh don't worry about me. You're probably exhausted after the fighting..."

Kala: "Yeah-" that exhaustion soon hit him like a wave as he stumbled towards a chair to sit down on

???: "Woah, careful now, tell you what, since the chief isn't back yet to give you a proper reward, I'll let you stay in a room upstairs for free during your visit here kay? How does that sound?"

Kala: "Great, thanks-" he was laying down a little on the bar table due to exhaustion

???: "There should be some spare clothes up there you can have as well. I'll be down here if you need anything. See you around!"

Kala: "Thank you ma'am-, what's your name by the way?-"

???: "Estrid, and yours?"

Kala: "Kala Kayaba, thank you for thw room.." he yawned as he got up from the chair and stumbled towards the stairs

Estrid: "Careful now Kala!"

Kala: "Nope i got it-" soon he gets up and goes into the room he was given and collapses on the bed, knocked out from all the things he did before and after getting here, sleeping soundly

A few hours later...

Kala lets out a loud yawn as he wakes up, sitting up to stretch before looking for those clothes Estrid mentioned before coming down to the bar

Estrid: Seeing Kala come down she waves at him "You're finally awake! You slept for nearly a day, I was starting to get a little worried. Anyway, Chief Alfarin and his warriors came back from hunting a few hours ago. I managed to talk to him and tell him about how you saved us while he was away, and he would like to speak to ya"

Kala: "That sounds a little intimidating, where can i find him though?"

Estrid: "He's resting in the Shark Hall, which is the chief's chair room. You can find it just outside and to the left"

Kala: "Alrighty, i'll go talk to him, thanks for your help" he smiles and bows as thanks

Estrid: "It's the least i can do... Oh yeah, I also have some food for yoy, I figured you'd be hungry. I'll see ya later!"

Kala: "Thanks!" he grabs said food which turned out to be about 15 apples and after putting them in his bag he walks off to find the hall

Walking out of the inn he sees Redwake doing it's usual morning things involving fishing, shopping, training and much more as he looks for the hall...only to find out it was right behind him, a little embarrassed that he almost started to explore the whole town he enters the hall and sees a room full of guards and two men at the back of the room, the one on the throne must be Chief Alfarin, he walks towards him seeking audience as he was called there

Chief Alfarin: "Welcome, welcome. So you're the lad Estrid was talking about. Curse those pirates, they've been botherin' us for a few months, and we can't find their hideout to put an end to them. How dare they raid Redwake while we we're away...Anyway, as chief of Redwake, I give you our sincerest thanks. Who knows how much destruction they could've caused if you hadn't got herr in time...not to mention what happened on our huntin' voyage..."

Kala: Curious due to what the chief said he asked" What happened?"

Chief Alfarin: "Game was scarce today, and the rest we're diseased or swarm away when we get to close, which we've never seen before...Our ships started leakin' halfway back, Elgfrothi took a look and says the keels have been melted. Something's tamperin' with the seas around here..."

Kala: "But what could it be?"

Chief Alfarin: "Can't say...we we're thinkin' about sendin' someone to visit the hermit that lives nearby and ask him if he knows anythin', but with those pirates actin' up, we best not risk sending our warriors away again."

Kala: "If that's the can then...I can help"

Chief Alfarin: "You sure about that, lad? Ya must be exhausted from fightin' them pirates still..."

Kala: "I'm sure of it"

Chief Alfarin: "Very well... The hermit lives in the southeast area of the Jaws on a small rock of land. When ya get there, ask him what he knows about the strange things that been happenin' around the seas." then the chief remembers something "Ah, one more thing, you should prepare some more before you go. No tellin' if you might run into some of them pirates again, it'd be best if you're at your full strength. Perhaps the townsfolk have some jobs you could help with."

Kala: "I'll keep that in mind, thank you sir!" he bows before leaving the hall to go do stuff

Kala Kayaba then goes around doing some odd jobs for the townsfolk and in turn learning many things such as cooking, fishing, as well as some more experience in fighting among other things, soon Kala got tired again and went of to the inn to take a rest, thinking about what he used to know before he got his memory loss...

To be continued...

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