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Dear YouKnowWhoYouAre, 

Four months, one week, and five days after you decided to leave, I realized I'm not done with you. Far from it. 

I realized that when I fell in love with you, my claydough heart mixed with yours to make something beautiful. Something new. Something called love. 

But when you left, you ripped your heart from mine, but there's still some pieces you left behind. There's some pieces that you took from mine. And, I realized that it's impossible to be the same. 

My heart will forever carry some parts of you with me. But, you will also have some of mine. 

So from time to time, 

when the snow on our dogwood tree glistens in the moonlight,

when the left side of my bed is cold and empty,

when the coffee tastes a little bit more bitter than usual,

I think of you,

and I write about you.

in little notes that you will never see or read,

little love notes that describe you and me.



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