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Camila woke up to her 8am alarm, groaning loudly as she pushed off her soft blankets, the freezing cold air hitting her bare legs. Even in the dead of winter, she could never sleep in pants. She hated how they always moved up her legs and made her look like a founding father. Camila forced herself to climb out of her warm bed and walk slowly into the bathroom. Her photoshoot wasn't until 3pm, but if she woke up too late her face would get puffy and she wouldn't be properly awake for the shoot. Camila rubbed her eyes aggressively before dousing her face in cold water, rinsing away the last of her morning dreariness. Running her fingers through her messy hair, Camila began to reach for her hairbrush and blow-drier, but then she stopped in her tracks. A very loud bang had sounded from the kitchen. Camila jumped, forcing herself not to scream before tiptoeing slowly out of her bathroom. She grabbed her bedside lamp and held it over her head, just in case.

Camila walked slowly and quietly into the kitchen, peeking around the corner where she saw a man standing. She gulped, running to the man and raising her lamp, swinging wildly at the figure standing at her stove making scrambled eggs.

At the last possible moment, the man turned around and Camila realized who it was, pulling away her lamp when it was inches from hitting him hard on the shoulder.

"What the fuck!" Carlos cried, moving quickly away from Camila, looking at her like she was a crazy woman.

"Carlos! Shit I'm so sorry! I completely forgot you were here!" Camila quickly set her lamp down on the counter, holding her hands up in the air.

There was silence between them for a moment before Carlos's face broke into a smile, a loud laugh escaping him.

"Don't laugh! I could have killed you!" Camila stood frozen in place, her hands still high in the air.

"With a lamp?" Carlos only laughed harder, now clutching his sides from the force of his laughter.

Camila's lips twitched, she tried to stop herself from laughing as well, but it was no use. The second Carlos began to gasp for air, she couldn't keep it in. She began to giggle and soon her giggles turned into full blown laughter, the type of laughter where your stomach begins to cramp and your chest seems to shut down. They laughed for a minute longer before it finally tapered off, but the second the pair made eye contact the laughter returned ten fold.

"Stop... laughing." Camila finally got out, gasping from the pain in her sides.

"Me stop laughing?... You stop laughing." Carlos breathed out, his voice airy and weak.

Camila forced herself to stop, clamping a hand over her mouth, pushing down the laughter that tried to escape. She took a deep breath, trusting herself to be able to stay laughter free.

"I try to be a good guest and make you breakfast, and you swing at me with a lamp!" Carlos said, watching Camila in amusement as she stood with a hand clamped over her mouth.

"I said I was sorry! I thought you were a stalker or something! It was self-defense!" Camila wasted no time in defending herself, a look of embarrassment on her face.

"A stalker making eggs in your kitchen?" Carlos's face was filled with disbelief.

"Yes a stalker! And you never know what goes through their minds, maybe he was trying to steal me with his eggs! I am internationally famous, there are creeps out there!."

"I'm internationally famous and I've never had any creeps come up to me." Carlos seemed almost upset by the revelation.

"Yeah well, which of us has 189 million followers on Instagram?"

𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗗, carlos sainz jr.Where stories live. Discover now