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song of the chapter
i think he knows by taylor swift

❝  like, i want you, bless my soul
and i ain't gotta tell him, i think he knows  

"Camila!" A loud cry came from the doorway, and Camila jumped up from her seat on the couch next to Carlos and Lewis. She had really missed that voice.

"Taylor!" Camila squealed, jumping on the blonde singer who had just walked through the front door, wrapping herself tightly in her friend's arms. "I really, really, really missed you."

"I really missed you too." Taylor said, her arms secure around Camila's waist. "How are you?"

That was a loaded question. "We can talk alone later." Camila whispered and she could feel Taylor patting her back in agreement.

Pulling away, Camila wrapped Joe in an equally as tight hug, which the man responded with by picking her up off the ground. Camila grinned as Joe shook her lightly before placing her back down and patting her on the top of the head. He never missed a chance to make fun of her height. Camila scoffed, pushing his arm away. "You two go in to the living room, Lewis can show you to your room. Then we're going night swimming!"

"When can I meet Carlos?" Taylor leaned forward and whispered into Camila's ear.

"After you get into your swimsuit! Now go!" Camila slapped her friend's arm, gesturing for her to go through the front door.

"On it!" Taylor said, rubbing Camila's back one last time before pulling Joe into the house.

Camila stayed on the front porch, she was waiting for the last of the guests to arrive. Well, not the last of the guests, just the last of today's guests. Everyone else other than Bella, Geo, and Cristiano would be arriving tomorrow morning. After only five minutes of her waiting, a large black SUV pulled up to the villa's driveway, and through the tinted windows Camila could see Cristiano sitting in the driver's seat. He was always so dramatic. As he stepped out of the car, Camila grinned. "Nice car choice! Very low key."

"I know right!" Cristiano sounded genuinely excited, and Camila laughed as he patted the car's hood. "The tinted windows really add to the anonymity, I feel."

"You look like an FBI agent!" Camila yelled back, the joking tone of her voice completely flying over Cristiano's head.


Before Camila could reply again, a loud screech pulled her away from the conversation. "Camila!" Bella and Geo had finally exited the car and were running for her at full speed.

"Bella!" Camila launched herself down the front steps, almost tripping over her flip flops. She had really missed her friends, all of her friends. "Oh my god, Geo too!" Camila giggled, wrapping one arm around Bella and one around Georgina. "I am so happy to see you guys."

"I missed you so, so, so much!" Georgina squealed into Camila's ear and she could feel Bella nodding along, agreeing with Georgina's words.

Camila was suddenly glad her mother had forced her on this trip, she needed to see her friends. Especially Bella, Georgina, and Taylor. No matter how terrible things might be, as long as she had her girls, Camila could be okay. She would be okay. "Get your bags inside, Geo, you and Cris's room is the second door to the right on the second floor, and Bella we're sharing a room."

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