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song of the chapter
dress by taylor swift

❝  'cause i don't want you like a best friend
only bought this dress so you could take it off  ❞

It was only a few days later that Camila and Carlos's little bubble in her apartment was popped. Once word got around that Camila was in London and so was Carlos, they both got invited to a party. And they didn't really have a way of saying no, seeing as both of their publicists had agreed on their behalf.

Obviously, they couldn't show up to the party together, that would all but confirm that Carlos was the man from the photo. But they also couldn't just avoid each other at the party, that would just cause rumors that there was something going on between them. That meant they were stuck in a weird place where they had to seem close but not too close. Something that would be difficult for the new couple that could barely keep their hands off of each other. Even if it was just holding hands or Carlos putting his hand on Camila's thigh, there was almost always some form of contact between them. But that could not be the case at the party if they wanted to stay under the radar.

Sure, it was only for a night, but it wasn't a night Camila or Carlos was looking forward to in the slightest.

Camila was sitting alone in the back seat of the sleek black car that would be taking her to the party. She had hired herself a driver for the night seeing as Carlos couldn't drive her and she had absolutely no desire to drive herself and maybe cause an accident. She was playing with the hem of her small black dress, the silk gliding through her fingers. She had bought the dress a few days ago, hoping that the backless cut and tight fit would be enough for it to end up on her bedroom floor.

If the night ended how Camila was hoping it would, that was where it would be. And Carlos would be the one who put it there.

The driver pulled to a halt in front of the steps of the fancy bar that had been rented for the night, the sidewalk swarmed with paparazzi holding cameras and microphones. Camila sighed, she knew she would have to talk to them at least a little. The only saving grace was the presence of a friend of hers standing only a few feet away. Zendaya always managed to make every industry party ten times more enjoyable for everyone in the room.

Camila slipped out of the car, saying thank you to the driver before smiling her dazzling smile at the cameras flashing around her. She made her way quickly through the crowd of paparazzi, walking towards Zendaya who was answering some questions with a polite smile on her face. Questions were being shouted at her left and right, questions about her mystery boyfriend and about her work, though mostly about her mystery boyfriend. Camila ignored them, placing a soft hand on her friend's back, making Zendaya jump and spin around to face her.

"Oh my god, Cami!" The American actress cried, pulling the Brazilian into a hug, causing the cameras around them to flash even wilder. "I had no idea you were coming, congrats on the Emmy nomination!"

Camila smiled wide, the Emmy nominations had come out the day before, and as expected, she was on the list. "Thanks so much! I had no clue you were even in the UK, or I would have reached out to you." Camila said, pulling away from the hug.

"I'm trying to keep it pretty down low, you know?" Zendaya said, making Camila nod. Both actresses were now in the same game of hiding relationships.

Speaking of Camila's hidden relationship, Carlos had just arrived on the scene a moment before. Camila could see him from her periphery, and it took everything in her not to completely turn her head and gawk at him. He looked unbearably good in his black suit with his hair perfectly fluffy around his face.

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