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Carlos hadn't heard from Camila in days. He had texted her, wishing her luck on her interview with Stephen Colbert, and she had sent him a thank you back. Since then, however, it had been radio silence. He had been the one to reach out to her first before, so he expected she would message him next. But there had been nothing. He understood, of course, she was in Brazil with her family, why would she be thinking about him? Still, Carlos would be lying if he said he wasn't waiting by his phone for Camila to message.

"Carlos, hey Carlos!" Ana was waving a hand in front of her brother's face in annoyance, he had been staring off into the distance for who knows how long, ignoring every word she had been saying. He wasn't even listening to her tell him about the latest date her boyfriend had taken her on.

"Hmm? What?" Carlos was finally shaken out of his stupor, and he turned his attention back to his younger sister.

"Are you even listening to me, Carlos?" Ana said, raising her eyebrows at her brother.

"I'm sorry, I've just been thinking about something is all." Carlos rubbed the back of his head, sighing.

"What?" Ana crossed her arms, as though daring Carlos to say that something was more important than what she had been talking about.

"Just–" Carlos was deciding just how much he wanted to divulge about his thoughts.

Fuck it, his sister would find out soon enough anyways, she had a way of reading every thought in Carlos's head, especially if it was about a girl. She would know in an instant if he was lying. "I guess I've been thinking about a girl."

Ana gasped, sitting up suddenly as though she had been injected with energy. "Did you finally get yourself a girlfriend, Carlos?"

"No, it's not like that." Carlos shook his head. "I mean, we just met two weeks ago, and she said she doesn't want to be more than friends."

"But you want to be more than that?"

Carlos's silence said everything he wouldn't say, and a look of absolute joy crossed Ana's face.

She thought for a moment before speaking,"So, you're just giving up because you're two weeks in and she doesn't want to date you?"

Well, when Ana put it like that, it did sound somewhat ridiculous to Carlos.

"Listen to me Carlos, this is what you do. You become her friend, you really properly get to know her, you show her how much you care about her, and then when the moment is right, you sweep her off her feet."

Carlos raised his eyebrows at his little sister, trying his hardest not to laugh.

"I'm not joking Carlos! If you really like her, don't give up! Just make sure you don't make her uncomfortable, don't come on too strong."

"I'll take your advice into consideration, thank you Ana." Carlos closed his eyes, leaning back on the sofa. His voice had a sarcastic tone, but he hadn't been lying. He would try and listen to Ana's advice. Not that she needed to know that.

"So, what's the problem right now? Besides the fact that she rejected you." Ana asked, having fully forgotten whatever she had been talking about before. Carlos having a possible girlfriend was far more interesting.

"We talked a few days ago, I wished her luck for this interview work thing she had, but she hasn't reached out to me since then."

"So message her, or better yet, just call her."

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