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"You kissed him?" Georgina whisper screamed, slapping a hand over her own mouth to stop herself from screaming.

It was currently two in the morning and Georgina and Taylor were crowded into Bella and Camila's room, listening intently as Camila relayed what had happened earlier in the pool. Or what she assumed had happened in the pool. She still didn't understand.

"No!" Camila groaned, falling back onto her pillows. "I almost kissed him, but then Cristiano broke that plate and it ruined the moment!"

Georgina growled, cursing her boyfriend's clumsiness. "I could kill him right now."

"No, no killing Geo. He did me a favor." Camila rubbed her eyes, gazing at the ceiling fan.

"What do you mean?" Bella almost screamed, sitting up straight. "Since when is ruining a hot make out sesh a favor?"

"Bella, it would have made everything so much more confusing!" Camila cried, throwing her hands down next to her. "Me and Carlos are friends, nothing else. I don't need that to get all, I dunno, muddled."

"Babe, just tell me one thing." Taylor's calm and collected voice spoke, and everyone in the room perked up a bit. They were ready for some Taylor wisdom. "Earlier when I was telling you about how being around Joe made me feel better when my mom was sick, who did you think of?"

Camila went quiet. She had instantly thought of Carlos. Thought of how he distracted her, how after knowing him for five months, she was ready to tell him anything. How he already knew everything about her, and if she didn't know everything about him, she wanted to. He made her happy, there was no denying it anymore. Camila really liked Carlos. Like, really liked him. Maybe even loved him.

"Come on, you cannot sit there and pretend you feel nothing for him." Bella was feeling very tired of her friend being so delusional, everyone could see something between them.

"My feelings are irrelevant in this situation. It's like you said Taylor, I thought of Carlos, I cannot ruin that!"

"How would telling him how you feel ruin it?"

"I am not saying I feel anything." Everybody raised their eyebrows at that, no one was buying it. "But, what if something happens between us and then it ruins our relationship. I am not risking that."

"The fact that you care so much just proves what you feel for him." Georgina couldn't help but point out.

"Okay fine!" Camila yelled, sitting straight up. She stood up from the bed, she needed to be moving. She began pacing back and forth around her room, running a hand through her curly hair. "I like him, I might even love him, I don't know." Camila was whispering, scared of someone overhearing, but in her own ears it sounded deafening. She hadn't even admitted it to herself, and now she had just admitted it to a room full of her friends. "But I'm so– I'm so scared."

"Camila." Bella stood, grabbing her by the arms, forcing her to stop pacing. "Carlos is not Neymar, he is the furthest thing."

"I know that, of course I know that. He's nothing like him, he's kind, and he listens to me, and I never felt like this with Neymar. But, I can't be hurt like that again."

"Do you seriously think Carlos would hurt you? He looks at you like you are the stars in the sky." Georgina stood as well, moving to stand next to Bella.

Camila giggled, but tears were appearing in her eyes. She bit them back rather angrily, why in the world was she crying? "He does not."

"He does." Taylor interjected with a giggle, still sitting cross legged on the bed. Everyone could see it but Camila, everyone could see the way he looked at her. Like she was the world.

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