𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐢𝐢.

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february 14th, 2027

Waking up in the past week had been hell for Camila. Every single morning for the last five days, Camila had been forced to jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, puking out everything she had eaten the night before. She was somewhat relieved that Carlos was still in Spain doing preseason testing, he would be meeting her in Brazil tomorrow. Camila knew that if her husband was there with her, he would be worrying himself sick about whatever mystery illness was plaguing Camila.

She had a sneaking suspicion of what it was. Not only had she been plagued with morning sickness, her period was days late. Honestly, Camila hadn't thought anything of it at first, her period was always unpredictable. But once the stomach sickness had started, she had known what it was. The only reason she hadn't done anything about it was that she didn't want to do it alone. She was waiting for Olivia to finally arrive before she did anything.

Pretty much all of their friends would be spending the summer together in Brazil, which just meant that if Camila was pregnant, she would be the only sober one the whole time. Olivia and Lewis were arriving that day, Carlos would be arriving the next day, and everyone else would be arriving the day after that.

Camila had called Olivia earlier that day, telling her to stop on the way to the villa and grab her a few tests. Olivia had immediately begun screaming on the other line, squealing at the prospect of being an aunt. Camila had shushed her quickly, saying she wasn't even sure if she was pregnant yet. It could be the stomach flu making her so sick, and her period was late all the time. Though, somewhere deep down, Camila knew. Her and Carlos hadn't been trying, per-say, but they weren't actively trying to stop it. They were being pretty flippant when it came to protection. Camila had stopped taking birth control once they got married and condoms hadn't been in the picture for at least six months.

Camila would be happy to be pregnant, and Carlos would be happy too. It was a conversation they had years ago, kids were something they both wanted greatly. He would be a wonderful father.

Camila was laying on her bed on top of the sheets, waiting for her friend to arrive, the unknown of everything eating her alive. She should have just sucked it up days ago and taken the test, but Camila needed the moral support. She must have drifted off, because she awoke suddenly to her bedroom door banging open and Olivia jumping onto her bed before Camila could even sit up.

"Ohh, I am so happy to see you." Camila wrapped her arms tightly around Olivia's neck, and the journalist nodded in agreement, holding her tightly. They stayed like that for only a moment longer before Camila pulled away expectantly. "So? Do you have them?"

"Oh my god, yes. Get up, get up." Olivia pulled Camila by the arms, standing them both up before reaching deep into her backpack and pulling out an armful of boxes.

"Jesus Liv, I said a few tests, not the whole shelf." Camila took a few boxes from Olivia's arms before they fell to the ground.

"We have to be sure! Sometimes the tests are wrong, you know." Olivia pointed out, nodding her head and making Camila roll her eyes.

"Yeah, that means taking like three tests, not ten."

"Shut up and just take them Cam. What harm will it do?"

Camila rolled her eyes with a smile, taking Olivia by the arm and pulling her into the bathroom. Olivia sat herself on the marble counter, ripping open boxes while Camila began to read the instructions. It was clear enough, pee on a stick and in three minutes time she would know. One way or another, she would know.

𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗗, carlos sainz jr.Where stories live. Discover now