Chapter 1

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What happens before someone dies, do they really see their entire life flash before their eyes, or do they simply see the white light that takes them to heaven? I'm not entirely sure but these questions seemed to dump me right into a career of an insanity therapist, yes I work with mentally ill people in an insane asylum. I've seen my share of cases but what I was about to walk into was no case I had dealt with before, and I never thought that my past would come back to haunt me.


"Open Door #396!"

A heavy iron door with a small window unlocked and the door was pulled open by two men in white uniforms. Light flooded the small cushioned white room and cause her to hide her face.

"Come on Lane, your therapist wants to meet with you," said one of the men that grasped the inside of her arm lifting her onto her feet.

Lane thrashed around with her arms nearly pinned to her side and her feet swept out from underneath her, she was being held down and sedated with a light medication.

"Every time, there is something seriously wrong with her," one of the men said.

One man picked her up and carried her to the nearest wheelchair and wheeled her into the conference room.

"I thought I told you not to sedate her anymore," Patience said standing up from her chair.

"We had to, she was thrashing around like a wild women."

"She's ill, not an animal!"

"I wonder some time…" one man said as they turned and left.

"Lorry? Sweetie can you hear me?"

Her head lifted and dropped only once. That was an indication that she understood what was going on even under sedation.

Lorry Lane was a young girl brought into the Raven insane asylum nearly a year ago. Her aunt brought her in saying she was possessed with a sirens song and she went on a rampage and killed her mother, father, bother and both of her sisters. Patience was assigned to her case only a month ago because Lorry's last therapist quit unexpectedly. Theory was that Lorry drove her insane and she killed herself, but rumors float around the guards, just to keep the job interesting.

"You're charts say that you had a break down about 3 days ago. What did you see?"

Lorry lifted her head and looked at Patience with a dark depressed look. She didn’t say anything; she simply looked away from Patience's eyes and towards the window that was mounted in the top of the wall.

"You have to talk to me Lorry, if I'm going to help you."

She looked at Patience, "I DON’T NEED TO TALK TO ANYONE!"

Patience looked at her raging eyes, and was terrified at the look she had given her. "Lorry you need to calm down and talk to me about everything that has been bothering you."

"You are nothing, you will never be anything, you're wasting your time talking to me, I'll just get rid of you like I got rid of my last therapist, you will never uncover my secrets, I won't let you. I won't let you take him from me; no one will take him from me…"

The two men came in as Lorry was ranting and restrained her, taking her back to her room. Patience was in complete shock as to why Lorry was saying things in almost a protective mother like state.

"I won't let you take him from me; no one will take him from me!"

Patience copied Lorry's exact words on a notepad and read them over and over. She wrote the words again and again, her mind was nearly completely composed of the words Lorry spoke only hours ago.

"Honey, I'm home."

No answer.

"Did you hear me?"

"Huh, oh hey sweetie, how was work?"

"You're distracted," her husband said as he sat down on the couch next to her.

"No, no I'm fine," she said setting the notepad to the side.

"It's Lorry isn't it?"

"Mark, I don’t understand she still hasn’t opened up to me."

"Look, you're new in her life; she isn't comfortable around you just yet, give her some time."

"It didn’t take her this long to open up to her old therapist, why am I so different?"

"Just come down, you'll get her to open up, I'm sure of it." Mark stood up and headed towards the kitchen. "Want some dinner?"

"No, I'm not that hungry."

"Alright, I'll leave it in the fridge in case you change your mind."

"Thanks sweetie," Patience said as she picked up the notepad again, and studied it as if there was going to be an exam on it tomorrow. Thing was it was some what like an exam, she had to go back to Lorry tomorrow and understand her words if she was ever going to get Lorry to open up.

Patience set the notebook down and rubbed her eyes, getting up off the couch she grabbed the remote and turned the T.V off and headed toward the bedroom. Mark was asleep. She looked at the clock, 12:30. She had been reading Lorry's words over and over for longer then she imagined. Patience laid down in bed and pulled the soft warm covers over her body falling asleep almost instantaneously.


"Lorry? Is that you?"

"Patience, help me!"

"Lorry, where are you?"

"I'm here! Right here!"

"I don't see you!"

"I'm right here, I can see you! Help me!"

"Lorry, I can't help you, I don’t know where you are!" Patience said breaking down in tears.

"Patience! Help me, please!"

"I can't, I can't do it, I can't see you!"

"You could never see me Patience!"

"Lorry? That isn't your voice!"

"Lorry wasn't even real, you saw her as an innocent child and you saw nothing else, you were blind to the facts, you didn’t listen to her words, you will never understand, and your past is now your undoing, I am Lorry and since you decided to obstruct my plan and dig deeper, you will be mine as well!"


"Patience, Wake up! You're going to be late for work."

No words, only the quiet sound of soft groans.

"Come on, there's coffee down stairs…" Mark teased trying to get her out of bed.

She lifted her head and saw Mark in a pair of camouflage pants and a black shirt. "Don't you look cute," she teased.

"No time for that, take a look at the clock."

She grabbed the clock and saw it was already 7:36. She slammed the clock back on the table side and folded the covers off of her, sitting up.

"How late were you up last night," Mark asked putting on his combat boots.

"Around 12:30, why?"

"You're still wearing your jeans," he nodded towards her legs.

She looked down, got up and nearly ripped them off her body. She grabbed a new, clean pair and slid them on. Grabbed the first white shirt she saw, and slid a pair of heels on. She tied her thick blond straight hair back into a bun and walked down stairs.

Mark came down moments later and said, "Off to work, I love you."

"I love you too; have a good day at work."

The door shut behind him and she sipped the steaming hot coffee, then took a deep breath grabbed her notepad and walked out the door herself.

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