Chapter XXXII

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Sure, she's lost her mind last chapter, but she's okay now, guys!

Tw: Battle, mentions of violence through weapons, decapitation, Raewyn being a badass, Thorin battling dragon sickness, Bilbo and Raewyn part ways. Feels (IT'S BEEN TEN MONTHS OKAY I AM SORRY)



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The mad king had proclaimed war. The end was nigh, all could feel it, but the king proclaimed war. Raewyn did not dare spare Thorin one look, scared she'd climb back up the moment she did. As the ranger neared her other friends, the ground began to shake catching the armies off guard. Looking up the hills, the crowds spotted tiny dots running down the mountains. Heavily armoured dwarves tumbled down in loud uproar, led by a single dwarf riding a pig, clad in equally heavy armour.

"Ironfoot," Gandalf uttered, looking down at his two friends as they observed the commotion. Cheering erupted from Erebor as the dwarves watched their kin run to their aid. From the sidelines, Thranduil commanded his army to hold their shields up, a command they swiftly obeyed. Then, the elven king rode through his army whilst they took off from the gates of Erebor. It wasn't until Gandalf began to walk as well, that Bilbo and Raewyn caught up.

"Who is that?" The hobbit asked no one in particular. "He doesn't look very happy."

"It is Dain, lord of the Iron Hills," Gandalf explained, to which Raewyn's face shot white. Yes, now she recognized him. "Thorin's cousin." She continued for Bilbo, even though her speech was closer to a question asked to the wizard. He said nothing in return, affirming her suspicions.

"Are they alike?"

"I always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." The wizard revealed. Looking up at him, the ranger rolled her eyes, exhaling deeply.

"Oh, joy."

"Good morning!" A voice called, suddenly closer than anticipated. Gandalf urged himself through the crowd, the two smaller creatures trailing behind him. "How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider... just sodding off!"

People began to move backwards anxiously, while the elves readied themself to engage. Raewyn subconsciously followed their lead, pulling a dagger from her belt, seeing as she abandoned her ax at Erebor.

"All of you! Right now!" In response to the dwarven leader, Bard encouraged his folk. "Stand fest!"

"Come now, lord Dain!" Gandalf spoke, announcing his presence to the said dwarf. Bilbo and Raewyn remained in the crowd as the wizard walked up front, nodding his head in acknowledgement when the dwarf recognized him.

"Gandalf the Grey!" He voiced. "Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!"

"There is no need for war between dwarves, men and elves!" Gandalf interrupted sternly. "A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down!" But the pleas went unheard. Or heard and ignored. Knowing dwarves, it was likely to be the latter.

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