chapter 3

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tears rolled down my face and onto the pillow. i know whats wrong with me but nobody told me whats wrong with my baby. my baby boy. i cant believe I'm having a boy. i looked at my mom a sudden and disturbing thought coming into my mind. "should we tell Tyler that hes the dad of a boy? and that he almost killed me?"

"i think we should. but we should also block his access of coming in to see you and the baby." she said a look of anger and hate seeping into her eyes.

"mom, i don't want to go back and live with him. he will probably kill me if i go back." i said cold fear running through my veins. i couldn't see him again. i don't want to see him again.

"i know honey. that's why while you were in your coma i talked to dad." my mom said suddenly perking up. no one told me i was in a coma...

"um mom you didnt tell me i was in a freaking coma!" i said sitting up. my mom looked at me eyes wide. "why was i in a coma?" i said.

"well you brain was bleeding so they put you in a drug induced coma so they could see what was wrong without you panicking and making your brain bleed more." my mom said.

"how long was i in a coma?" i asked suddenly scared.

"about a week and a half."

"am i OK now?"

"yes you are as OK as you will be right now." my mom said coming and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"when did my baby have to be delivered?"

"as soon as you got here."my mom said. my baby has been in this world a week and half and he hasn't seen his mommy yet?

"i want to see him. now." i said trying to stand but then realizing that i was connected to a bunch of machines.

"lets call the nurses to see if they can take you to see him." my mom said and she pressed a button on the side of my bed. a few minutes later a nurse came in.

"how can i help yall' today?" the nurse asked.

"my names Lacey Jones and i had a baby boy. can i see him?" i asked nicely.

"yes you can sweet heart. ill be right back." she came back a few minutes later with a wheel chair. then she started to unhook me from all the machines. i hoped into the wheel chair and the nurse put an IV back in my arm.

the nurse took my mom and i to the NICU. the neon addle intensive care unit.

"have you thought about names?" the nurse asked me as we walked to the NICU.

"not yet. i just found out i had a boy." i said looking up at her. she smiled  kindly down at me. as we passed the doors to where my baby waited for me i became nervous. would they let me hold him? would he let me hold him? the nurse wheeled me to a little incubator holding a baby swaddled in a blue blanket.

"heres your baby sweet heart." the nurse said and walked away. i pressed my hands against the plastic that was keeping my from snatching my baby and leaving.

"hi baby," i whispered "I'm your mommy." tears coming to my eyes. his eyes opened when i whispered to him. he opened his little mouth and yawned. "i love you baby." i said to him. my mom came to stand beside me. "i think he knows who i am." i said to my mom.

"im sure he does. your his mom." she said rubbing my back. i looked around at all the other babies and their moms. a good portion of the moms were adults. but there was some other teenagers besides myself. i looked back at my baby and his eyes were open and looking at me. an almost smile on his face.

"hi ms.Jones?"someone said behind me. i looked back and saw a woman in scrubs and a doctor jacket.

"yes?" i said.

"my name is Dr.Teller. and I'm in charge of making sure you baby is OK." the woman said stepping forward and taking my hand.

"I'm Lacey. and this is my mom Delilah." i said smiling.

"your baby was born at seven months so he is at risk of not having developed lungs," Dr.Teller said. "so he will have to stay with us for another month or so until we are sure his lungs and everything else is up to par."

"when can i hold him?" i asked looking at my baby.

"now if you want to." Dr.Teller said smiling at my sudden excitement.

"yes please!" i said as she moved towards him. Dr.Teller picked him up out of the incubator and handed him to me. it was as if i knew what to do the minute i touched him. i put him in the best position for me to how him and i cuddled him. as i snuggled him up near my left breast he smiled.

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