chapter 5

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this chapter is exciting! just to remind you all please vote and comment!

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"hi Lacey," Tyler said coming into the room.

"who said you could come?" i asked furious he had the nerve to come here after what he did.

"well i thought you might want to see me." he said putting the flowers on the side table.

"why the hell would she want to see you?" Brandon snare led in Tyler's face. Tyler didn't even move.

"well I'm her babies father. why wouldn't she want to see me?" Tyler said a hint of arrogance in his tone.

"you beat the hell out of me and almost killed your baby." i said to him. wanting to see him get crushed and fall to pieces. but he didn't. he stayed perfectly composed. he leaned down to my face.

"you had it coming to you though. you didnt want to please me." he said through his teeth. the stink of achole bathed my face.

"i want you to leave right now Tyler." my mom said coming and getting in between me and him. the look on Tyler face was of hatred, love, and regret.

"you will be seeing me again." he said then he left. i picked up the flowers he brought me as my mom and brother escorted him out of the hospital and talked to the staff. the flowers were lilies and they had a message inside. remember my face. what the hell was that supposed to mean? i looked around the room because a sudden chill went down my spine. and with that chill came pain. lots and lots of pain. the burn of the pain in my stomach and between my legs made me scream out. the cry echoed down the hall to the nurses warning them i was in distress. a nurse came running in and said something but i couldn't hear her. then i closed my eyes and didn't open them for a long time.

                                                               * * * * * * * * * * *

I was walking in a meadow of light and love. i walked to a small clearing and sat down in the middle of it, my white dress fanning out around me. bunnies hopped around me. birds sat on tree branches. squirrels around eating nuts.

"what are you doing here lacey?" my dead father asked me.

"dad?" i said in shock.

"you aren't supposed to be here. its not your time to die." he said his voice urgent.

"dad? what are you talking about? I'm not dead!" i said standing up.

"yes you are. you just dies. but its not your time to die. you must go now!" he said pushing me out of the clearing.

"but dad i just got here and i miss you!" i said tears streaming out of my eyes.

"yes i know sweetheart and i miss you to but you have to leave. you have to go be a mom Noah needs you. and you have many things ahead of you in life." he said and was about to push me into a darker part of the meadow. "remember Lacey, i love you and i always will." he said then i was gone.

                                                              * * * * * * * *

i woke up the same exact place i was when i blacked out. and i was alone. i tried to sit up but got dizzy so i fell back onto the pillows. my mom came in with my brother.

"oh Lacey!" my mother exclaimed. "your awake!"

"yes mom im awake." i said with a smile.

"do you understand that you have been in another coma for about a month?" Brandon asked me.

"no i had no idea. i saw dad."


"when i was out i saw dad. he said that i had died and he sent me back here." i said. brandon turned to our mom.

"is that what you didnt want to tell me? that lacey had died?" brandon said to our mom.

"you didn't need to know because her heart only stopped for a total of ten minutes." mom said standing up to him.

"but the fact that you didn't tell me what was happening hurts worse than if you did tell me that she had died for ten minutes." he said looking at me.

"I'm sorry." my mom said and walked to me. she held my hand and stroked my hair. then my Doctor came in. Dr.Cameron.

"hi lacy how are you feeling?"  dr.cameron asked me with a smile.

"Ive got a bit of a headache and my crotch is sore. but other than that I'm fine." i said.

"that's good. when you went comatose there was some bleeding in your brain. but while you were in a coma we stopped the bleeding. we couldn't find out why your crotch was hurting. we will have to do more tests." she said.

"so im fine now. wheres my baby?" i said.

"hes in the NICU still but if you want to see him we can bring him here." she said and i nodded. then she walked to the phone and typed in a four digit number. probably calling Dr.Teller. about ten minutes later a nurse brought my baby to me. my baby was hooked up to an oxygen machine attached to his little incubator. he also had several IVs going into him. the nurse stopped by my bed and started to take everything off. she handed him to me and put his oxygen tube back around his face.

"Lacey do you know what your going to name him yet? hes been nameless for about a month now." Brandon said sitting on the bed with me. i thought about it for a minute then a name popped into my head. Noah.

"Noah," i said looking at him. "his name will be Noah."

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