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Shiver groaned in boredom as she watched Frye look for a different movie. "You don't have to be so kind." Frye yelled sarcastically. "Sorry...I'm just bored. All we've done all day is watch boring movies. Can we do something else?" Shiver asked. "Like what?" Frye asked. "Ay ay ay ( We could go surfing!)" Big man cheered. "Yeah no hit in that water and Shiver and I are out." Frye sighed. "Why don't we...go visit some old friends?" Shiver asked. "Like who?" Frye asked. "Well...I heard Callie got a squid sister visit would be nice." Shiver smiled. "I thought you were angry at them." Frye smirked. "I never said that!" Shiver shouted. "Rember when you went on a rant after our concernt, being all negative and such?" Frye asked. "S-shut up." Shiver blushed. "Ay ay ay ( But Inkopolis is boooooring!)" Big man yawned. "What is it now!? Shiver asked. "Ay ay ay. ( Let's go Chloe's house!)" Big man smiled. Chloe, was a childhood friend of Big man's. She was a manta ray just like him. "Chloe's a brat." Frye snapped. "AY AY ( No she's not!)" Big man fought back. "She kinda is. Remeber when she locked us out of the house while she tried to become your boyfriend?" Shiver asked. "Ay ay ( She was 6.)" Big man defended. "Or the time she purposely poisned one of my eels. And it took MONTHS for him to get better!?" Frye asked. "Ay ay ay ( She was 9.)" Big man defened once more. "What about the time she threw spitballs at us, painted our walls with Shark dung, wripped our favorite books, played blasing music all night, fed Master Mega something that got him bloated, manipulated my sister into thinking she was a goat, poured warm water on my dad when he was sleeping..." Shiver began, as she listed all the things Chloe had done to them. "Ay ay AY ( Okay, okay, she can sometimed be a brat. But she's actually really sweet!)" Big man explained. "If by sweet you mean sour, then yes she is." Shiver huffed. "Ay aya ( Fine, if you don't want to go to Chloe's, then what do you want to do?)" Big man asked. "Oh, I've got an idea." Frye smirked.

"SALMON RUN!!!" Frye smiled, as the trio stood on Sockeye Station. "But Shiver, you actually have to help this time. Last time you stared at meaninglessness art while Big man and I got obliterated." Frye said sternly. "Art isn't meaninglessness!" Shiver snapped. "The art you were looking at was." Frye smirked. Shiver was about to trangle Frye. But the horn blew, and the trio got to it. "Boss salmonid coming up ahead!" Frye laughed as she got her ink gun and began shooting at it. Shiver grumbled to herself as she splatted all the smaller salmonids. Frye always had her eyes on the big salmonids, and began calling for Shiver whenever she got poundee by a bunch of smaller salmonids. Big man turned into his battle form and super charged at some of the bosses. "Shiver! We need your help with the golden eggs!" Frye called. "Can't, I a bit busy at the moment because SOMEONE didn't want to help me shoot the smaller salmonids!" Shiver shouted back as a huge green bomb inked up half the map. "Big man! Ink up the turf!" Frye shouted. Big man began inkling the turf, and soon their ink color was restored. The first round was completed. Once the second round began, Shiver saw Frye run off to the boss salmonids and sigh. "She's never going to learn." Shiver sighed. "Ay ay ay ( You're it's up to us to make her.)" Big man smirked. "I'm picking up what you're putting down." Shiver smiled. "Ay ay ( Here's the plan.)" Big man whispered to Shiver.

Frye contiued to collect golden eggs and splat bosses. But she soon realized that there were more smaller salmonids than there should have been. Frye looked around the area, trying to find Big man and Shiver. "Biggie, Shiv! Where are you!?" Frye called. When no answer came, she begsn to grow worried. "Guys! Where are you?" Frye asked. As she continued to search for her friends. "Oh cod....m-maybe they've been splatted by one of the bigger salmonids?" Frye thought to herself. But she had looked sign of either of her friends. "Mr. Grizz...d-do you know where Big man and Shiver are?" Frye asked over her walky talky. "Sorry kid, it's not my job to keep track of your friends, only that I keep score of golden eggs." Mr. Grizz replied. "B-but!" Frye began. "No can do kid. If you wanna head back to the chopper, you can." Mr. Grizz replied. Frye gave one more thorough search, before heading back to the chopper. Once she arrived back in the studio, she lowered her head and walked slowly out of Mr. Grizz's building. "Frye, ya alright there squido?" Mr. Grizz asked. Frye didn't answer and just continued to walk home. She let out a shaky breath before unlocking her door. Maybe she should have fought the smaller salmonids first...maybe she should've listen to Big man and Shiver. Frye walked into her livingroom, and was shocked to see Shiver and Big man sitting on her couch. "G-guys..." Frye sniffled as she ran towards her friends and hugged them tight. "W-why'd you leave me!?" Frye said as tears rolled down her face. "Oh no, Frye don't cry." Shiver smiled in shock. She didn't intend to make Frye cry with this mini lesson. "What else am I supposed to do?!" Frye sniffled. "Ay ay ( We're sorry, but we needed to teach you a lesson about the smaller salmonids. NOW do you understand why we want you to help was with the smaller salmonids?)" Big man asked. "Yes....and I promise to help you with them from now on." Frye swore. "Good, now let's think of something...non salmonid related." Shiver sighed. "I know...we can test your anger management!" Frye smiled. "Do what now?" Shiver asked. "AY AY AY ( Great idea Frye!!)" Big man smiled. "Noo, bad idea Frye. W-why would you want to do something like that?" Shiver asked angirly. "Well...we go on tour agian in about 3 months. And I don't want you lashing out at the bus driver like you did last time." Frye huffed. "Fine." Shiver grumbled.

Soon the trio walked over to the ASMR shop. Don't ask why Splatsvill has one, they just do. Once they walked in, they made a quick appointment and sat in the waiting room. "And remind me why we're here again?" Shiver asked as she tired to hid her face from fans thatbwere staring at her. "So we could test your anger." Frye smiled, as she waved at some fans who were jumping for joy at the sight of her. "Deep Cut!" A ASMR doctor called. The trio walked inside a blew led lightef room and sat down. " we having problems with our anger?" The doctor asked. "Yes, well...she is." Frye said pointing at Shiver. " you have anger issues?" The ASMR doctor asked. "I don't think I do, but these two both say I do." Shiver grumbled. "Okay...well...let's first start with something simple. First, I have these beads, and I'm going to run the together." The doctor said as she began rubbing the beads together. Big man and Frye were soothed by this, however Shiver was grinding her teeth. "SHUT THOSE THINGS UP!!" Shiver screamed as she slapped the beada off the table. "Miss. Shiver, please sit back down." The doctor said gently, knowing Shiver was on edge. "Okay, so beads aren't your thing. Then how about...soft whispering?" The doctor asked as she began making quiet noises into her microphones. Shiver was practically shaking with agitation. "Okay okay, I'm going to stop." The doctor said, seeing Shiver's agitation. A few more experiments, and Shiver lashed out at ecer single on of them. Later, the doctor claimed that Shiver did indeed have anger issues, and gave her a few materials to help her cope with them.

"Wasn't that relaxing?" Frye smiled. "Maybe for you!" Shiver grumbled.
"Ay ay ay ( you guys hear that?)" Big man asked. The two girls went silent...and did indeed hear a tiny whimper coming from outside. The trio walked outside, and tried to find the source of the sound. "See anything?" Shiver asked her friends. "N-no...wait! Guys I found something!" Frye yelled as her two friends came over the her. "'s some sort of...device..." Frye mumbled. Shiver picked up the device and inspected it. The closer she looked at this device, more familiar it looked. "Shiv, you think you know what it is?" Frye asked. "I think...I might have a clue..." Shiver sighed. This device looked waay to much like the device Julica got on her birthday. When she tried to turn it on, the device read "catch ya!" "Huh?" Shiver asked in confusion. Soon everything went black again...except this affected all the octolings, manta rays, fish, jelly fish, and basicly every creature expect inklings were knocked out. "What the heck!? Frye shouted in shock, as ahe watched her friends drop in front of her. "In our new world it's inkling wonder land! Don't gotta worry about those stupid octololings and other creatures. Stand tall inklings, for great turf war 2 will come back soon once these creatures wake up! Then...we fight!!" A voice rang throughout the streets. "J-Julica!?" Frye asked.

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