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"Shiver! Come on sweeite! We're gonna be late for splatcast!" Frye called as she rushed to grab her things
"I'm not done with my makeup yet!" Shiver snapped back. "You look beautiful without makeup, now come on Shiver-bug! We gotta go!" Frye said as she dragged Shiver out the door. "I didn't get to close my makeup case!" Shiver complained. "Stop whining so much! We have to go, Big man is probably wondering where the hell we are right now." Frye said. "Ugh! Why me!?" Shiver groaned dramatically. "Because! Now hurry up. We're almost there!" Frye sighed. Once the girls arrived at the stuido, they were completely out of breath. "Ay ay (Hey guys!)" Big man smiled. Frye managed to give a little wave, whlie Shiver completely collapsed onto the ground. "You're so extra, Shiver." Frye giggled. Shiver glared up at Frye before sittinf up on her pillow. "Ay ay (Um...guy's...I need to tell you something.)" Big man whimpered. "What is it?" Frye asked with a cheerful smile. "Ay ay (It's Callie. When I did a collab with her...she...I...I think I love her)" Big man sighed. "Now THAT'S a scoop." The producer smiled. "W-wait...are we live!?" Frye asked. "You sure are." The producer smiled. Big man immediately began sobbing as he left the studio. "Shows over." Frye snarled as her and Shiver ran after Big man. Once they caught up to him they knew they'd have to cheer him up...somehow. "Big man? Are you okay?" Frye asked the mana ray. "Aya ay (Nooo!!!)" Big man wailed as he hugged both Shiver and Frye. "'s okay. Callie is a nice person, she won't make fun of you for liking her." Shiver said kindly. "Yeah! Plus, you're awesome times 10! How could she not love you?" Frye smiled. "Ay ay ay (You guys are the best, you know that?)" Big man smiled. "Let's just hurry up and figure out how to get to Callie before that splatcast does." Frye mumbled. "We can't. Splatcasts are live." Shiver stated. "Well I know that!" Frye snarled. "Mood." Shiver snickered. "If we-" Frye began, before Big man's phone began ringing. Big man looked down at his phone and nothing but fear was on his face. "What happened?" Frye asked. "Ay ay ay (I-it's Callie. She's calling me. Not to be rude...but can I have this conversation...alone?)" Big man asked. "We understand Big man." Frye smiled. "But I want to see drama!" Shiver whined, before being taken away by Frye. "But Fryeee!!!" Shiver complained. "Shiver, you need to understand that Big man is trying to win over Callie. That's not going to happen if we're there every step of the way." Frye explained. "Fine. But...what can we do in the meantime?" Shiver asked. "I've got...ideas." Frye smiled with an eyebrow raise. "Don't even think about it Frye." Shiver smirked. "I hate you." Frye sighed. "No you don't." Shiver smiled. She thought Frye was just being playful...but she wasn't. "Shiver I'm not joking." Frye snapped. "Yes you are." Shiver smiled. "SHIVER HOHOJIRO, I TOLD YOU I'M NOT PLAYING!!" Frye screamed. Shiver backed away in fear. "Ay ay (Hey guys! So it turns out that Callie actually likes-)" Big man began as he walked up to his friends, but was cut off by Frye. "You think this is a game huh? You think that whatever I want to do isn't important." Frye sighed. "N-no I don't..." Shiver said with a bit of annoyance. "Yes you do." Frye snapped. "No I Don't!!!" Shiver shouted. "See how it feels now? To have someone telling you how you feel?" Frye asked. "Oh..." Shiver murmured. "You don't see me as your girlfriend. You see me as someone to take advantage of. You must WANT me to get hate comments. You WANT me to feel like crap. You WANT me to go to bed crying every night knowing no one will EVER like me!!! You have no idea what's it's like to be me Shiver. No idea. You have it easy, everyone loves you. But...Deep Cut hadn't even made their first song yet before I began getting bullied." Frye explained. "You think everyone loves me? Because if that's what you think then you're wrong. I get hate comments just like you, along with Big man, along with Callie and Marie, as well as Marina and Pearl, and Riva and Lumi. You're not the only one. All content creators and all Idols will always get hate comments. You can't avoid it." Shiver sighed. " don't understand. Most of my hate comments were death threats, people telling me to kill myself, people threating to break into my house. I bet all you get is hate comments about your skinny body." Frye snarled. Shver looked at Frye with a hurt expression, she was supposed to be her girlfriend. But she just shamed Shiver's body...that's not very girlfriend like. "I get worse hate comments than that. I've been threatned to be r#ped, I've been threatened to go to strip clubs and dance." Shiver said. "Pssh. Yeah right. Anyway, if you don't wanna ever have sex with me...I guess you're not the one." Frye sighed. "W-what?" Shiver asked. "You heard me. It's over." Frye snapped. "F-Frye...n-n-no no no no...y-you can leave me!" Shiver whimpered. "Chill Shivie, I'm just pranken ya." Frue giggled. But it was too late, Shiver was already in tears. "Frye noooo!" Shiver sobbed. "Shark-Shark? No! Don't cry it was just a prank." Frye said before feeling an weird chill. "T-that's weird...why is there a cold breeze if we live in a desert?" Shiver sniffled. Before they knew it, Deep Cut feel into a dark hole. "Ow!" Frye said as she hit the ground. "Ahh...I-I think the rocks broke my fall." Shiver winced through clenched teeth. "Ay ay (W-where are we?)" Big man asked. "You're in my world now, not your world. And I've friends on the other-" A voice began. "This ain't no Disney movie! Show yourself!" Frye snarled. "'re no fun." A deep voice sighed as a figure came out of the shadows. A tall inkling with brown skin, blue eyes, and a black tentecaled afro came out. "Ladies and gentleman. My name is Discord an I-" Discord began. "Tell us where we are you freak!" Shiver shouted. " guy's are gonna be so much fun to work with!" Discord smiled. "Ay Do what now?)" Big man asked. "You see, I am given the responsibility of turning bland people into exciting people!" Dicord smiled as he walked up to Shiver. But Frye put out her arm in front of Shiver and glared at Discord. "Oh! A very protective girl....won't you be fun." Discord laughed. He's laugh was loud and scary and echoed through the dark cave. Shiver covered her ears due to her sensitive hearing. "Hey! She has sensitive ears so shut your damn mouth!" Frye snarled. "Well one things for sure. We REALLY need to work on your laungue." Discord said as he put his hand in his afro and brought out a rabbit. "Here hold this." Dicord smiled. "No! Why would I hold...whatever that is!?" Frye snapped. "Because it's a rabbit. And who would skip and opportunity to hold a rabbit?" Dicord asked. "Me." Frye snarled. "Oh joy! So you'll hold him?" Discord asked, as he slowly put the rabbit on Frye's head. Frye just gave a lifeless annoyed stare at Discord while letting the rabbit sit on her head. "And YOU my friend. You're a manta ray! You're Big and strong!" Discord said while morphing into a manta ray. "Ay ay (How are you doing that?)" Big man asked. "Haven't you the slightest clue who I am?" Discord asked as he morphed back into himself. "Nope, that's why he asked in the first place dingus." Frye snapped. "Well, I am Discord! The acient ruler of Splatsville! Splatsville is the city of chaos...and that's all because of my magical powers. Seriously, didn't any of you read of me in school?" Discord asked. "We skipped classes most of the time." Both Shiver and Frye said. "Ay ay (I slept half the time.)" Big man said. "Ugh!! This generation is so broken. In my days you were slaughtered if you didn't pay attention in class. Anyway, come along now, there is much fun to be had!" Discord smiled. "F-Frye...I..." Shiver began. "Just relax. I'll protect you, don't worry. That Discord guy won't be laying a tentecal on you." Frye smiled as she kissed Shiver's cheek. "Ay ay (And I'll protect both of you!)" Big man smiled. But before they could get all heartswarming, a dark black dragon emerged from one of the dsrk cave. Frye and Shiver's ears dropped from fear while Big man passed out. "W-what is that?" Shiver whimpered. "Something I wish I never saw..." Frye murmured.

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