Chapter 3

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It all happened so quickly. You and your father were allowed only the briefest of goodbyes in the hallway before you were torn apart. He tried to beg and reason, to change your mind, but nothing would shift you. He needed to go home and you would be fine, you did your best to tell him, though you knew you would likely never see him again, unless you found a way to escape...

Could they not even spare you a proper minute in exchange for forever? Can this king be so coldhearted that a daughter could not kiss her father goodbye?

You were assured by a guard that he would be taken to the entrance of the forest and deposited safely. He would make it home and he would have to warn the rest of your people not to venture into these woods. Not to come near these halls. You weren't sure if you truly believed a word these elves said even though most of them sounded sincere enough but you didn't have much of a choice other than to just accept what was being said and what was happening.

You were dumped rather unceremoniously in a cell. The red haired she-elf who locked the door gave you a slightly sad look before she turned and left you alone. It appeared you were the only prisoner which actually surprised you. You had expected the cells to be overflowing with poor innocents that the Elvenking had locked up for no reason other than his own amusement.

Time passed far too slowly. You almost wished you were still lost in the forest somewhere, or that they had let that spider kill you. Though you reasoned that, then, your father would still be trapped here. Rather you than him and you stood by that. You lay down on the floor and stared at the high ceiling, going out of your mind. God, you wished you had a book or something. You didn't dare consider asking someone for one. As if that would be allowed.

Some time must have gone by because you were suddenly opening your eyes, being gently shaken awake. You'd fallen asleep. Groaning, you stirred, forgetting where you were for a brief moment until your eyes met those of an elf guard and it all came rushing back. At least you'd had a brief respite in your dreams, you supposed.

You were led back to the throne room. When you realised where you were going, your steps faltered, but you were pushed gently through the doors and up the walkway. Coming to a stop in front of the throne, you kept your gaze locked on thin air in front of you, not daring to look up into the eyes of the king. You didn't want to be anywhere near him, let alone look at him or speak to him.

"You have traded your freedom for your father's." His smooth voice echoed around the room. You didn't respond. It wasn't a question. "Some would call you noble, even brave." You lifted your eyes at that, finally looking at him. "I would call you foolish." He continued icily, reaching the bottom of the steps, and your gaze flickered away again.

With surprising speed, he crossed the space between you and his throne, finger beneath your chin tilting your head up to look at him. "Your manners are lacking, little human."

"I..." You frowned deeply, unsure what it is that you had done wrong but you felt like any misstep would make his disdain for you grow. Make him lock you in the deepest, darkest cell for the rest of your miserable days never to see the light, fed the bare minimum if you were lucky.

He straightened up, looming over you. "You will look me in the eye when I address you." Your heart jumped wildly around in your chest. He moved, pacing around you like before, like a lion on the hunt. "You will live out your days here, in my kingdom. You will refer to me as my king, not your majesty, for that is what I am now. Your king. You are my prisoner and subject by default, by your own admission."

"What... what will you do with me?" You somehow ventured, not sure where you even found the courage to speak to him. He was so intimidating and the ghost of a smirk on his face seemed almost evil in your eyes. What kind of creature locked people up over misunderstandings and refused to listen to reason? What kind of king was he?! Not much of one in your estimation. "Am I to rot away in your dungeons or would one such as yourself prefer a slave?"

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