Chapter 9: He 'let's Off Steam'

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Chapter 9: He 'Let's Off Steam'

I was trying to get my normal hours of sleep as usual but the continuous vibration noise from my phone was driving me crazy.

With a groan, I picked up my phone to see 2 missed calls from Seth and 3 messages.

Seth: Noelle, I'm bored
Seth: Pick up
Seth: I wanna do something, get ready :)

What is he talking about?

"Noelle" Someone whispered harshly from outside. Please, tell me he didn't do what I think he did.

"Open the window, I think I'm about to fall" He said loudly this time and I quickly shot up from the bed and went to the window.

I took out the lock and opened the window. As soon as I did, a foot appeared out of nowhere and got in my room.

Seth threw himself inside almost knocking me over. "What the heck are you doing?" I hissed at him and he groaned flipping onto his back.

"Your tree's branches are really far apart" He said sitting up.

"Did you really climb up the tree?" I asked. "Maybe" He said sheeply and I groaned. I knew I should've cut that tree when we moved here.

"You could've used the front door like any other sane person" I exclaimed and he gave me a smirk.

"Now where's the fun in that? Anyway your parents wouldn't have let me in, it's too early" He said and I looked at my alarm clock. The numbers 3:24am flashed in bold red lights.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what time it is? Wasn't it enough that you saw me a few hours ago? No, you have to sneak into my room and wake me up" Seth was watching me as I mostly talked to myself but the conversation was directed at him.

"Well if you would've answered the phone this wouldn't have happened" Was his response. I looked at him blankly before returning back to my bad.

I pulled the sheets over my body and closed my eyes. "What are you doing?" Seth asked me.

"I'm trying to sleep so if you don't mind, can you leave? And this time use the front door" I waved him in dismissal.

There was silence for a second before I felt him throw himself on top of me. I shrieked and he let out a chuckle when I tried to get him off me. "What are you doing? Get off me!"

"Munchkin, you are coming with me whether you like it or not" He warned me and tilted his head to send me a smirk.

"There is no way I'm getting out of this, right?" I asked him and he tilted his head to send me a smirk.

"Nop" He popped the p. He's going to be the death of me.

"Fine, get your fat Butt off of me while I change" I grumbled and immediately he got off me. "Wait for me downstairs, watch TV if you want" I said getting up as well.

"Won't your parents kick me out if they knew I was here?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

I shook my head before answering. "My mom works the night shift today and my dad is dead"

His eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard that sentence. He cleared his throat before awkwardly saying "I'm sorry for your loss".

"It's okay, now go so I can dress" I hurried him out and he rolled his eyes before walking over to the door, just before he was out for good he looked back and said "And wear black".

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