Chapter 26: He Does A Surprise

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Chapter 26: He Does A Surprise

I woke up to Seth's really annoying ringtone. Well actually is pretty cool, it's the one from the Sherlock's theme song but it is currently waking me up on a Sunday night and that's a big no no.

"What the hell are you doing calling me at" I stopped to look at the clock before continuing "11am?".

"Oh come on, you should already be awake it's almost lunch time" He replied.

"What do you want?" I asked him, basically ignoring everything he just said.

"Just check your front door" And with that he hung up. Well great, wake me up and then make me walk down the stairs, why don't you? I opened the door and saw a bag on the corner. I'm too tired to even think about when he left that there. I took it up to my room and sat down in the bed with it.

I took out the note and silently read it.

I don't know how many times I have made you a surprise, maybe one or none. I don't even know. Anyway, this is a surprise. Surprise! Put on the dress and shoes meet me at the park next to your house. Don't ask, just do. Pretty please :).

-To my Munchkin

I smiled at the word 'my' and took the rest of the contents of the bags out and placed them in my bed. It was a long sleeved, knee long, white lace dress and white heels that weren't too tall so I guess I could be comfortable enough to walk in.

I took a quick shower and washed my teeth. I got dressed while I ate an apple. The dress actually fit me and the heels too. I brushed my hair and placed my phone, keys and wallet in a small purse and also grabbed Gabriella. I went towards my mother's room to say goodbye. She was still asleep so I just left her a note in the kitchen. It was a possibility I could be back before she woke since she arrived like 3 hours earlier but I had to be sure.

I drove towards the park with the Air in full blast. This dress is going to make me sweat.

I pulled up to the park and got off. I don't even know what I'm going to do but whatever. You only love once, right?

I got out and placed Gabriella in the stroller before walking towards the part of the park where there were no swings or anything like that.

Strangely there was a curtain in the middle of the park, blocking my view. That is probably where I needed to go.

Before I could step into the unseen side, Victoria came out and grabbed Gaby from me.

"Go, enter" She pushed me inside.

There was a rose path leading up to Seth who had on a tux and Gavin was beside me. Dylan appeared beside me and grabbed my arm.

"What is this?" I whispered to him.

"It's your wedding, Sweetie" He said laughing.

I looked at Seth and he sent me a wink. Wesley started playing 'What makes you beautiful' by one direction from a radio he had in the corner.

I rolled my eyes at him and Dylan started walking with me down the aisle. This is ridiculous and extremely touching at the same time.

As soon as we got towards the end of the line he gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed me to Seth. Like a father would do. Seth took my hands in his and looked toward Gavin.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in this fake Holy matrimony. Blah blah blah I don't remember the rest of the words. If anyone objects I couldn't give a rat's ass. So let's skip the vows and all that romantic shit. Do you Seth Collins take Noelle Adams to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He said. Great priest.

"I do" He said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"And do you Noelle Adams take Seth Collins to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I pretended to think about it before he gripped my hands tighter in his.

"Yeah sure, I do" I said laughing.

"Well, put on the rings" He said waving us off. Wesley ran up to us and gave us 2 rings. I don't know why but today I wore the engagement ring that he had given me. He placed the other band along mine and I did the same to him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" At that I stood still.

What do I do now?

Apparently Seth knew the answer to that because he just took my chin and made me look at him.

With A little smirk, he placed his lips on mine. I could hear the applause of my friends but I just shut the out.

As my lips moved against his, he wrapped a hand around my waist and pressed me closer to him. We broke up but he just looked at me and then kissed me again. Hey, I'm not complaining.

My arms automatically looped themselves around his neck. Not in a choking way. He bit softly my bottom lip and made my mouth open on it's own.

Someone cleared their throats making Seth groan and separate himself from me.

I looked at the sound and saw all of our friends looking at us awkwardly. I totally forgot they were there. My cheeks blushed red while I saw Dylan send me a wink with a smile in his face.

"Well, This was really lovely but instead of watching you guys kiss I wanna get ice cream. Who's in?" Gavin said beside us. Everyone except Seth and I raised their hands.

"Okay, well you can leave" Seth said and pulled me against him again.

I hit his arm and stepped away from him. "I could get some ice cream" I said and went towards Dylan and the rest.

"fine, I'll go" Seth grumbled and walked towards us.

We all got in our cars and drove to Baskin Robbins. Meanwhile I was thinking about our 'wedding'.

He actually likes me, doesn't he? I mean this time he can't say that I needed it and he also wanted to continue kissing me.

Before I could make a pro and cons list in my head, I had already arrived at the store.

We all got down and sat in a table. Seth and Gavin went to order all of the ice creams and Dylan sat beside me.

"I told you he liked you" He whispered teasingly in my ear.

"Oh shut up" I said to him but internally I had a joker sized smile.

"The good ones go if you wait too long"


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