Chapter 21: He 'Claims' Me

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Chapter 21: He 'Claims' Me

I was searching through my clothes when I saw Seth's leather jacket on my chair and remembered his words from yesterday. "Keep it, but wear it tomorrow because you look good in it".

Well, I'll guess I'll have to follow his advice. I picked up his jacket and started putting it against my shirts to see which ones matched the most.

I ended up wearing a Grey shirt that had the rolling stones' logo and their name. I paired it up with black leggings and took my black boots so I would be completely in dark colors.

I brushed my hair and then placed it in a side braid. I quickly went downstairs and ate a pancake that mom had left for me inside the microwave. I'm guessing she left a few minutes ago because the pancake was still hot.

I don't really like that my mom has an irregular schedule and is gone most of the time but I know she tries her hardest to be there for me and leave me food when she makes for herself.

I actually made myself a promise that I would study and make enough money so I could pay my mom's bills and she could retire.

I ate the pancake without syrup because there wasn't enough left and drank a glass of apple juice on the way.

I arrived at school 10 minutes early and had a chance to park at one of the one of the closer lots at school.

I walked directly to my locker but on the way I could feel almost everyone's eyes at me. Something that never happened and it was making me really uncomfortable.

I grabbed my books and placed them on my bag before heading towards my first class even though I was a few minutes earlier than I regular was.

Victoria was already there reading a book while only a couple of other students were here either asleep or chatting.

I sat down next to her and her head snapped up and looked at my outfit with a suspicious smile.

"Noelle... Whose jacket is that?" She asked and I looked at her with a weird expression on my face.

"It's Seth's" I said slowly, trying to figure out why she was acting like that.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this. I mean I knew there was something going on but I didn't think it was this serious" What the hell is she talking about?

"I don't understand you. What is going on?" I asked her. I've never been this confused in my life. This is including the entire day when I was confused about why Bellamy and Clarke weren't together. I'm sorry but Clexa just doesn't work for me.

"You really don't know?" She asked me and I almost screamed the 'no' at her. She sighed before starting to explain. "You're suppose to know this since you've been the same years as me in this school but whatever. When there's a couple in school, one of them gives their jacket to the other and that person wears it around like they are taken. So basically Seth has claimed you. Meaning boys better back off. If it was another person's, nobody almost notices but since Seth wears that jacket almost every day anyone can recognize it easily. Plus, his initials are in the back".

I looked at the back of the jacket and saw S.F.C. marked clearly, which I recently noticed. And with recently I mean right now.

"That's really stupid. Plus, he hasn't claimed me" I said and I watched as she raised her eyebrows.

"Oh please, it is pretty obvious you both like each other so he claiming you wasn't that far off" She said with a smirk.

"Stop saying the word claiming, he doesn't own me. Plus, I don't think he likes me" I specifically left out the part including my feelings towards him.

"He absolutely likes you, you can see it by the way he treats you and looks at you. Oh my god, the way he looks at you. Sometimes I think he counts your freckles or something like that. Plus, why wouldn't the bad boy like the good girl?" She asked and my cheeks were already as red as they could be.

"Not every bad boy are like that Victoria" I said and I was about to keep on talking when she hit me in the leg. I immediately stopped what I was saying and a few seconds later Seth appeared in the middle of us and started looking between us.

"What you guys talking about?" He asked us while taking turns looking between me and Victoria.

I stayed silent knowing she would take over this situation.

"Well, I was saying how periods suck and how there is so much blood and blood and blood" She kept repeating the word blood hoping Seth would go away but he stayed in his place. It usually works with the rest of the teenage male population.

"Aren't you suppose to be grossed out about our periods?" She asked confused but all that Seth did was shake his head.

"No, It's something natural that happens to half of this world's population. I honestly don't mind if you are talking about it" He explained. Could he be more perfect?

Victoria pressed a finger against his shoulder and he looked at her with a curious look. "What are you doing?" He asked her.

"I'm just checking to see if you're real" She said and the three of us started to laugh until the teacher arrived.

Everyone had arrived already and I didn't even notice.


People continued staring at me all the way through classes until Lunch arrived.

We all sat on the same table and just my luck, Seth sat down beside me.

"Everyone's looking at us" I whispered to him and saw him look behind us to a table full of freshmen who were clearly looking at us and talking between each other. They could at least try to not be that obvious.

"Is It because you're wearing my jacket?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"I guess so" I said and he smiled.

He placed his hand in my shoulder and gently pushed me towards him so my head was resting on his shoulder and the side of my body was against his. He turned his head and pressed a small kiss on my forehead. "Well, let them look".

"Dead People receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than gratitude"

-Anne Frank's Diary

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