Chapter 11

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A/N so, my picture for this chapter is a quote by Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments. I did use it in my chapter because I love The Mortal Instruments. Just thought I should let you know. Love you all :)

Midnight's POV (a week later)

Desperate, I searched every shelf and draw for the food which I desired. One of the problems of being pregnant. In the end, I had to say something, whether it was to say, ask or beg.

"Marzipan. I seriously need marzipan." I stood in front of Zalgo, my hands on my hips. Cravings had started and they were driving me mad!

"Marzipan? What the hell? Why do you want marzipan?" Zalgo asked curiously. Absently, my hands flew to my stomach. There was already a bump. Not noticeable in baggy clothes. Yet. His gaze followed my hands and his eyes narrowed.

"I'm hungry. Can I buy some marzipan?" I pleaded.

"Whatever. When I get back, we are going to train even more. I will see you in 2 hours." He said as he walked out of the house. I stood waiting, tense. The second the door banged shut, I ran out the back door.

Running through the forest again, the wind flying through my hair, the muscles in my legs burning. In a few minutes, I made it to the small clearing. Slendy was leaning against a tree and BEN was... drawing? I looked around the clearing and realized that there was one more person. That person was punching a tree, as you do. All I could see of the person was a mass of black hair and a white hoodie. Even from that, I knew who it was. Jeff. Slowing to a stop, I gasped as the baby kicked roughly. BEN began to run over, but Slenderman was already by my side.

"Was I correct?" He asked softly. I nodded. The second I had got home that night, I had brought a pregnancy test. It was positive.

"Yep. But there is one problem. Zalgo is getting suspicious." I gritted my teeth.

"What's made him suspicious?" BEN asked, his hand on my back. I smiled at him lovingly before answering.

"Bizarre cravings. And the baby bump." I said grinning.

"What craving?" He asked, grinning back.

"Marzipan." I said simply as he laughed. I looked behind him and saw Jeff lurking behind BEN.

"Hey Jeff." I said softly. He looked up in shock before smiling weakly. Gently, I pulled away from BEN and walked towards Jeff. When I reached him, I hugged him tightly, my eyes brimming with tears. The last time I had spoke to him, I had said that I never wanted to speak to him again. I hadn't meant a word.

"I missed you so much." I choked back a sob, as his arms wrapped around me.

"I missed you too. So much. But in a way, this separation was a good thing." He said, smiling. I pulled away slightly, shocked.

"It was?" I asked.

"Yep. I don't have a crush on you anymore. I like someone else." He said cheerfully. I smiled. He was happy at last.

"Other than that, what have I missed?" I asked Slendy and BEN.

"Well, Toby finally has a date today." BEN said, grinning.

"Really who?" I asked happily.

"Grace Hunter. She is a new creepypasta. We have had two since you... disappeared." Slendy said. I smiled sadly.

"And who was the other?" I was now hugging BEN when Jeff answered.

"Jess. She is really nice. She is nice to me..." He trailed off, blushing. I giggled, before doubling over in pain. Slendy was immediately by my side .

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