Chapter 3

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As I opened my eyes, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. BEN. He was fast asleep beside me, his blonde hair tousled. He is so cute I thought sadly. So cute that I bet he has a girlfriend. Oh well. There was always Jeff. I giggled slightly, the thought of Jeff being lovey dovey just add me laugh.

"What's so funny cutie?" My heart thumped as I heard his voice.

"Morning Sleepy head," I said, avoiding the question, "you know Slendy has come in to wake you up three times right?" I saw alarm on his face.

"He, he has?" He stuttered.

"You sound like Ticci Toby. Now come on, get dressed." I ordered sweetly. I squealed when he threw me off the bed. I sat on the floor, and crossed my arms. He laughed. I grinned at him before going in the bathroom, giving him time to get changed. That's when the door banged open and BEN cried out.

"Slendy! Getting changed here." He growled at Slender man.

"Relax. Where is Bella? I need to talk to her." He asked seriously. BEN must have pointed to the door because Slender was knocking on it.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah. Of course you can." I was sitting on the side of the bath when a tear slipped down my cheek. He came and sat down next to me.

"I know you miss your family. It will get better. I promise." He whispered softly. I nodded.

"Anyway, I have come to tell you that I have contacted Opal leaf and she will be expecting you sometime today. Jeff will be going with you while the rest of us go out. BEN doesn't know where he is going so that's why I am sending Jeff. Is that ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. So what can Opal leaf do?" I wondered.

"She can awaken your powers. We already know that you will probably be a shape shifter, like your parents, but we don't know what you will shift into." I nodded. That made sense. Slendy said goodbye and left. BEN stood at the door, looking agitated.

"Where are you going with Jeff?" He asked protectively. I smiled at his anger.

"We are going to see that witch. Don't worry." I reassured him.

"Why can't I go with you? I don't trust Jeff with you." BEN said, sounding annoyed and desperate.

"Slender man said so and Jeff is the only one that knows where it is. Well, other than Masky and Hoody but they are going with Slender man. Come on, let's go." I grab his hand and I drag him out the door.

"Everyone who does not know, we have a new creepypasta. I want her to feel welcome. She is going through a hard time at the moment." Slender man announced just as BEN and I walked in. I blushed and let go of BEN's hand. Everyone was staring at me, everyone except Jeff. I smiled at him but he didn't see. He just went outside. Slender man nodded me outside. Looks like we are leaving now then.

"I will see you soon ok." BEN whispered in my ear. I looked at him, smiled and nodded. Some were still watching me as I slipped outside. Jeff was leaning against the wall.

"Morning." He said cheerfully.

"Good Morning." I answered, relieved that no one was staring at me now. A few minutes later, we had started to walk deep into the woods.

"So, how much further does Opal leaf live?" I asked, panting from running. Jeff was fast. He looked back at me and noticed I was struggling. He let me catch up before carrying on, this time slower.

"She lives in Slender Woods, not that far actually, but it's a complex route, easy to get lost. That's why I had to take you." He replied. I nodded. Then I froze. There it was. A little cottage by a stream. A young woman was standing by the door, looking at us hopefully. Her skin was clear and creamy, young and refreshing. She only looked about 20. Her eyes were startling green, the entire eye. Not just the iris. Her lips were as green as grass and her hair was like an opal. It turned different colours in different lights. In the shadows, her hair was red. She was beautiful.

I would drown for you. (Creepypasta fanfiction).Where stories live. Discover now