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Ava P.O.V

It was a bright Sunday morning, the TV was playing socky the sock puppet, I was eating some pistachio ice cream (see video) the birds were chirping outside, Acsh and Leif were trying to set the front door on fire... wait hold on. As I ran to the door to stop the two I could also hear Rhys trying to reason with the two soon-to-be arsonists. "What the hell is going on here?!" I say as I near the entryway, Acsh looked at me belligerently "the door is screaming and we are trying to get it to shut up.", now that he had mentioned it I also noticed the loud wailing coming from the other side of the door. "Step aside Acsh, Princess Ava will handle this." Rhys turned to me "You do know how to fix this right?" I laughed nervously, "yeah sure, I can tr-." more wails cut me off, sounding more urgent than before. Quickly I opened the door to find...

A baby?

Rhys P.O.V.

As Princess Ava opened the door, the crying stopped. "A baby? " she said incredulously. I poked my head around the door to find that, sure enough, there was a baby. Acsh turns his head towards Princess Ava "Prisoner why is there a human child at the door?!" Ava looks at the kid quizzically, and that's when I spoke up "They might have been abandoned, it happens a lot on Daemos." This is the moment that Noi entered the hallway, being the everloving softie he is, he immediately made a loud squealing noise that sounded similar to the pot that Ava makes tea in, rushed over, and scooped up the small child along with the fluffy F/C blanket. Now that the baby was gurgling contentedly in Noi's arms I noticed a piece of paper where the baby was and before I could pick it up Ava did.

(a little backstory)

After all the mess with Daemos died down Ava decided to try to get the guys citizenship so they could eventually travel or do other cool things together, only to discover that the night after they decided to get the citizenship someone left a package with drivers licenses, passports, birth certificates, and identification papers in a box at their door. Ava checked and they were legitimate so it seems someone is looking out for them.

Ava P.O.V.

The papers were formal and official looking, however, after reading for a bit I realized that these were adoption papers that were already filled out, by... Us? As I read it over more surely I realized the kid's name is Y/N and their last name is, well L/N, I say was because the papers also covered the last name change (I could not find a last name so I'm just gonna make one up) to Park, my last name. All five of the guys were also listed as guardians of the child. "This is weird, but it's all in our names so we can't do anything without seeming suspicious ourselves." "agreed." Rhys nodded his head, Noi who was playing with Y/N this whole time said "I mean, they sure are cute and it wouldn't be that much trouble looking after them, right?" "Yeah I guess so, we can certainly afford it with all the money I'm getting from my job." I agreed "so it's settled then, we keep them." We all leaped, surprised by the new voice joining the conversation. It appeared that Pierce had woken up and "teleported" into our conversation. "Jesus Pierce, you have got to stop doing that." I yelp, it had become a pastime of his ever since he realized he could scare me this way "yeah Peirce, you're gonna scare Y/N." "apologies." Pierce stated "however it is a kind of important thing that we should all discuss if we are going to adopt a child. Also Asch and Leif are still trying to set the door on fire." we all turned to the door and, sure enough, arson was occurring.

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