Wolf Ears

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Ava P.O.V.

"Fuuuuuuuck me dude." I say as I lean against the door, the conversation with Jake definitely could have gone worse but I was still cringing at how awkward I was. "That can be arranged." AH, CRAP, it was Leif. he seemed to have overheard me "Leif! Have you been on the internet AGAIN!" "Maybe, but that's not the point. Noi sent me to get you, he says there is something wrong with Y/N." "WHAT!" I got up and started ZOOMING towards the stairs, as I ran I saw Rhys in the kitchen making dinner. He's really gotten into cooking since I showed him how to. As I was hurrying up the stairs I remembered that he had tried to kill someone earlier so I called down "DON'T THINK THIS MEANS YOU HAVE ESCAPED PUNISHMENT FOR TRYING TO KILL JAKE, NOW GO BACK TO THE TIMEOUT CORNER!" Leif groaned and slouched off.

Y/N P.O.V.

I woke up from yet ANOTHER nap without too much change in the environment, besides a few more toys being displayed across the room. The only major change is now Orange was sleeping in the F/A chair across the room. Deciding I was bored I started making noises to wake Orange up, that did the trick however when he got up and looked at me his eyes seemed to grow to three times their normal size "what the H E Double hockey sticks." He said under his breath, at this point, I was getting bored so I did as I do best, raised my hands above my head, and grabbed the bars of the crib to pull myself up. That's when I noticed it, why does my hair feel fluffier than normal? Oh, the puppy ears are back and this time they came with a tail too, this is awesome! I was so distracted by this new development that I had barely noticed that Noi had left, I could hear slight conversation downstairs but I was too excited to listen.


Ava P.O.V.

Ok, so instead of a normal baby that was abandoned at our doorstep yesterday, we got a fucking werewolf. This is certainly not what I was expecting but hell, I live with five horny guys, what's one more chaos gremlin. After Noi showed me what was going on with Y/N I made the bold decision to take Noi to the doctor's office and leave the others home alone, surprisingly neither Leif nor Acsh burnt the house down or tried to kill anyone. The doctor told us that there was nothing wrong with Y/N besides the fact that they are an early bloomer in getting their half-wolf form.

: My Parents: My Inner Demons x BabyWearwolf!Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now