Karen at the Kid's shop

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Peirce P.O.V.

As we got out of the moving box trap that Princess Ava calls a car Princess Ava grabbed a cart and headed inside the store.

The shop we went to was not the normal kind Princess Ava takes us to occasionally, it didn't even look like the furniture shop we went to once (not fun). This shop had isles full of furniture here, some food there, some toys in another corner, and clothes in one more aisle. Upon closer inspection, the furniture looked like a bunch of cages but disguised as human furniture. The most prominent pieces of furniture were things labelled cribs, highchairs, and changing tables. However; there were other items like playpens, bouncers, car seats, and strollers.

Ava then pulled out her phone and was looking at a list "Alright for furniture we need a crib, a dresser, a highchair, a stroller, and a-" "wELL eXUse mE." some blond lady with a short hair cut on one side and long on the other walked up to us, Ava had showed me this haircut before and had called it a "Karen Cut" "I saw you were restocking the shelf and was wondering if you could help me find a blue crib with white clouds. also i saw you were on your phone and wanted to say you shouldn't do that at work, its highly unprofessional." Ava looked at her with a confused look before realisation dawned on her "ooh I'm sorry there's been a misunderstanding, I don't work he-." again Ava was cut off by the lady "that's a lie, you were looking at products so clearly you work here." Now help me find my item and get off your phone!" at this point Ava was starting to look ticked off (a new phrase the computer taught me) "Ma'am I'm just here to get stuff for my kid, please leave me alo-" "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR GENERATION NOWADAYS, YOUR INTO KIDNAPING NOW?! I'M GOING TO CALL THE POLICE AND REPORT YOU FOR HARASSING ME AND KIDNAPPING A CHILD!" At this point, Acsh and I were both plotting how to kill this lady without getting into jail and Ava looked like she was about to cry. So I was relieved when someone who actually worked here came over to sort out the whole mess "Ma'am please lower your voice, you are disturbing other customers and this lady looks like she is about to cr-" AGAIN the lady cut someone off and screeched "YOU GEN Z NOWADAYS ARE DO LAZY AND DISRESPECTFUL, I WILL DO WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE I AM YOUR ELDER YOU WILL DO AS I SAY. *Deep Inhale* LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER" The person spoke up "I am the manager, and I'm calling the police."

: My Parents: My Inner Demons x BabyWearwolf!Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now