A Visitor

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A/N: well I woke up at midnight last night with a spider on my face and I couldn't get back to sleep so I wrote this, extra spelling and grammar mistakes ahead! Also, the video has nothing to do with the story I just thought it was hilarious.

Leif P.O.V.

As I detained the new prisoner against the wall with my popsicle I could hear him whispering under his breath "Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fu-" "SHUT UP!" The last part was added helpful by Acsh who was sitting a few meters away contemplating how to kill us all. "Jesus! I knew Ava's new roommates were aggressive but I didn't expect them to be THIS aggressive!" He still struggled against my grasp as I raised the other sickle to finish him off... until Ava and Noi ran down the stairs "LEIF WHAT THE FUCK!" "THIS MAN JUST BROKE INTO OUR HOUSE!" "THAT MAN IS JAKE!" Oh shit, she's right, at this point Ava was already right next to me. "Alright just put him down and knock him out, same deal as always. As for you, we are going to have another talk about how everyone who enters our home is not a threat!" I groan as I carefully put down the Jake man, whose eyes at this point looked the size of saucers, and knocked him out.

*time skip*

Jake P.O.V.

What the hell just happened, I'm at the foot of Ava's door and she's... oh crap, I got whacked again.

"Ohhh my god Jake! Are you alright!" "Yeah, I'm fine, it's weird though..." "Same dream again?" Instead of responding, I nodded my head. "It's really strange that you keep having the same nightmare every time you get knocked out here." She looked deep in thought for a minute, in that time I got up off the ground. "Yeah though I really need to install some foam in that door."

This snapped her back to reality and she chuckled "Phht yeah if it means fewer people passing out at my doorstep I'm all for it!" "Alright now I did actually come here for something, and it's not rent this time." Ava looked a little nervous for a minute until she fixed her face and asked "Yeah, what's up." I reached my hand to the back of my head "this is a bit awkward but Ms. Oats said she heard a baby crying in your apartment, is something going on?" all of a sudden her face shifted from slightly nervous to pure panic. "YEAH EVERYTHINGS FINE!" she blurted out. "It's just that..." she took a deep breath "We were informed there was a child who needed a family stat and we decided to adopt them, I didn't want anyone but my roommates to find out before my Dads because you know how they can get. I guess the kids been wailing louder than expected and Ms. Oates heard." "OH, I am so sorry for all the trouble then! My sister is a new Mom too and she's barely gotten any sleep in weeks! Let me know if you need anything and I'll go pick it up." Ava seemed more relaxed again. "Thank you for the offer but we have enough hands around here, all we really need is privacy to hang out with them." I flushed red "Yes of course sorry, see you around Ava!" as I walked away I remembered one thing "oh right! Ava what's your kid's name, I need to enter them into the apartment database."


: My Parents: My Inner Demons x BabyWearwolf!Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now