Hide and Seek, Make-Belive, and Teething

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A/N: I was going to just write the first bit but then I realized that it was far too short so it is now two filler chapters in one.


Y/N P.O.V.

Frickin finally, a moment of peace after all the chaos. Just chillin' in this tub with mah ducks and... oh that's not good, a shark! Everyone get to the spaceship we must evacuate! Up in the sky, it's almost like I'm being hugged by a fluffy blanket. Ahah! Orange is in space too! Lemme board his spaceship so we can meet up.

*oh no, not this, anything but the WATTPAD TIMESKIP BECAUSE THE AUTHOR IS LAZY!*

Ah, goddamm that was a fun space adventure! Orange is still on the couch acting like we've been in the living room this whole time and haven't just been on the adventure of a lifetime! He must still be in shock.

Hmm, something doesn't feel right, I just really want to bite something, my mouth hurts so much. Oh look it's Lime, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I just...

Ava P.O.V.

"AVA THE HUMAN BIT ME!" I look down and see Y/N next to him looking very pleased with themself, Noi pipes in "I read about this in one of the parenting manuals Ava got. Babies around Y/N's age start chewing on things so their teeth that are coming in hurt less." I sigh "I'd better go pick up some chew toys at the store soon." Y/N has now moved onto the table leg "It will be extra painful because of the fangs." Noi shutters "Less for them though, more for us." Leif still looks heavily taken it back from the bite "Well in the meantime keep their teeth away from me!" "Damm that scared of a baby?" I taunt, much to the amusement of a certain werewolf and daemons duo "No! It just hurt a lot!"

Hide and seek

Noi P.O.V.

"Y/N we got to hide!" I quickly ran away from the living room as Ava counted down from 60, I darted into the kitchen with the intent of hiding in the spare cabinet but as I opened it Leif was in there "Find another spot! I will not let Ava kill me today!" alright kitchen is unavailable, already checked the bathroom Pierce and Rhys are in there, Acsh is in the hallway closet, and the throne room and Y/N's room are off limits... Ahah! Ava's room!" I made a dash towards the door as Ava counted down "30... 29... 28..." In a hurry, I placed Y/N under the bed and made a shhh gesture, "10... 9... 8..." Now for me, I will hide in the closet, just as I closed the door I hear "3... 2... 1... ready or not here I come!"

One by one she found each of the daemos. starting with Leif, karma for not sharing his spot.

Ava then crept to the bathroom and caught Rhys and Pierce, she caught Leif next, and finally, she walked over to her room, my heart was beating to the same rhythm as her footsteps when she opened the door. All was silent for a second...

SSHHHHHHHHHHK "AHAH! FOUND YOU NOI!" Ava pulled me up to my feet "Now where is Y/N?" "I'll never talk, besides *BEEP BEEP BEEP* your time is up!" I scoop the victorious child out from under the bed and spun them around.

: My Parents: My Inner Demons x BabyWearwolf!Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now