Movie Night!

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A/N: I start school again on Monday so I will probably not be posting as much again ):. Anyways in this chapter, I reference a movie I watched as a wee lad so shoutout to anyone who also watched the fever dream which is Doogal (or The Magic Roundabout depending on what you watched) American dub as a kid. Onto the story!

Ava P.O.V.

"Time to watch the movie that gave me trauma as a kid! Any questions? I announced to all on the couch, pretty much everyone was in the living room except for Rhys who was making something in the kitchen. Noi was sitting cross-legged with Y/N on his lap, Leif and Acsh were on the floor, and Pierce had chosen the sofa's edge. Noi raised his hand "Is this movie going to be ok for Y/N?" "Probably! Now lemme just pop in the CD..." Just as I finish speaking Leif leaps to his feet "Ooh a shiny cookie!" "Not food!" I say in alarm as Leif reaches for the disk "No, but I have made food!" Rhys, just in the nick of time.

Acsh P.O.V.

Rhys had made some kind of a sweet crumbly biscuit with pink icing and a red filling, I think Ava called it a Pop-Tart. I had to admit that they were pretty good, even Y/N who had taken to refusing to eat any food they disliked ate theirs with no complaint. I liked Y/N for this, strong-willed in the fact that they would not eat until they got what they wanted, someday they would make a fine soldier in a human army. At this point, Ava interrupted my inner monologue by starting the moving picture

Can you imagine a faraway land,

Where everyone is the best of friends?

Well here it is.

*roughly 30 minutes later*

(gasps) Guys! Hey, guys, over here! Hurry up! I think I se-

Ava paused the movie abruptly as Rhys walked in with a tray "I have made more Pop-Tarts." Y/N looked around confused for a second before pointing at Rhys, Pop-Tawt..? Rhys also looked confused "No, that's a Pop-Tart." He said pointing at Ava who was, sure enough, holding a Pop-Tart. Y/N starting to look confident pointed at Ava and said "Pop-Tawt!" Ava smacked her forehead "No! Not me, the cookie!" Y/N pointed so aggressively at Ava they nearly fell out of Noi's lap "Pop-Tawt!" Leif and Noi had started laughing hysterically and Ava looked like she was about to give up "I am not a Pop-Tar-" "Pop-Tawt!" "AH SCREW IT, I guess I'm a Pop-Tart now." Noi who had set Y/N on the couch so he could join Leif on the floor laughing piped in "Could be worse, they call me Orange." "Why doesn't the child give me a nickname?!" everyone in the living room was now at least giggling over the name (except for Ava, she was still too exasperated after being called a Pop-Tart to laugh) Ava finally cut in through the laughter "Alright alright I'm going to start the movie again!"

: My Parents: My Inner Demons x BabyWearwolf!Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now