Chapter 4

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I followed my father, Max walked pissed off next to me. I guess the whole thing suited him even less than it did my dad. Yes, that's right, the man who was the head of one of the largest agent training and data secrecy companies was my dad.
"What exactly is the problem?", I asked, knowing his silence to be anger.
"Do we start with the vampire or the refusal to follow my orders?" my dad replied. He still had the cloth wrapped around his hand. Apparently, he had hit a pretty bad spot.
"Are you okay with your hand?", I asked worriedly.
"Don't deflect, missy! He's not only a vampire, he's a contract killer too. What makes you think someone like him would be any kind of help?"
We reached his office and he opened the door to let us in. We both entered and sat down in the chairs that were across from his walnut desk.
"I...", I lowered my eyes. Blaming the vampire now wasn't going to fix the situation, "I'm sorry, I should have discussed it with you first."
"Didn't I teach you that you can't trust a vampire?", he asked in angry glance.
"Thanks, I've been saying that all along!" my brother now intervened. I gave him an angry look. He hadn't said a word all the way to the office and now he was mouthing off again.
"Yes Dad, but I think he's.... Different. You noticed that too, or we probably would have had to dispose of his body, right?", I objected.
"Jennifer, you're missing the point. This mercenary won't be able to help us much in his condition, he's more likely to get in the way with his limitations," he said, then there was a knock on the office door.
"What?" my dad hissed. My brother and I pulled up together. The door opened and a short man from the science department stood in the frame.
"He's asleep now. Shall we begin?" he asked.
"Yes please," my dad said, suddenly sounding relaxed. The scientist nodded and disappeared again.
"Begin... with what?", I asked, frowning and turning my gaze from the scientist back to my father. I had a bad feeling about this.
"I agree to his help, but before he can help at all, his... Sunlight susceptibility must be lessened. It will cause too much trouble otherwise. We have a series of tests we will run on him for such cases. Within the next two days, there should be no more signs of his susceptibility," he explained. I had turned pale. Shocked, I stared at him.
"You're talking about genetic manipulation. You've talked about that before," I said, horrified.
"I thought that was all just theory! Besides, you said the chances of survival were very low!", I stood up, my legs shaking. He had saved my life and now he was going to be sacrificed like this? For science, or like all those idiots in the movies always say?
"We were able to lower the risk, he will most likely survive.", my father said, as if he didn't care.
"This is cruel!", I stormed out of the office and ran into the office hall to ask which room he was in, but when I arrived at the room it was empty. I gulped.
They must have taken him to the laboratory department, but only authorized people were allowed in there. I was far from that position and therefore far from the key card. I already regretted bringing this vampire here.
Less because he put us in danger.
More for his sake.


I opened my eyes and a white light blinded me. I closed my eyelids several times and waited for myself to get used to the unusual lighting conditions. After some time, I looked around. I was lying strapped down on a kind of table. Injection tubes were attached to my arms and a clear liquid was being fed into my veins. I frowned in confusion. What was this all about?
A man entered the white room. I wondered what he wanted because he was talking into a device and not paying too much attention to me.
"Hey Joe, he's awake. Do you want me to start the process anyway?" he asked quietly, his eyes on me.
"What kind of process?", I mumbled sleepily. Usually my brain was quick to get going, but now I wasn't really awake at all. The man winced. He apparently hadn't noticed that I had been listening. Something like this had never happened to me in the last 150 years. I tried to sit up, but the straps stopped me. The man had to be a scientist, at least he was wearing a lab coat and a surgical mask.
"What are you going to do?", I mumbled idly and then looked at the tubes, but I got no answer. Then someone, also a man, simply answered 'yes' through the small device. The doctor approached me. He pulled out a small syringe. I eyed it and pushed away from him. I couldn't tell, what this was, but I was sure, that it wasn't something that'd make me feel comfortable.
"What is..." but the needle was already digging into my arm. The fact that it was blunt and quite thick made the puncture very painful, but that was nothing compared to the pain that overtook me afterwards. I felt the stuff spreading through my veins, it burned like hell and I gasped, my face contorted in pain. The air got away from me, I tried to get loose, but it didn't work. I tugged at the straps, yanked at them, but nothing moved. They were strapped too tightly around my joints for me to move.
I couldn't even curl up to relieve the pain, yet I tried again and again, to no avail. Sweat was running down my forehead and I was still trying to free myself. But even if I had succeeded, it wouldn't have done me any good.
I couldn't even gasp for air because of the pain. Sure, vampires don't need to breathe, but it was an old habit.
Again, a wave of pain ran through me. Cramps twitched through my muscles. I hoped the burning would subside with time, but it only got worse. Couldn't they have at least given me a sedative? A fucking anesthetic or something?
Was that too much to ask?! My strength was waning, but the pain was not. I refrained from the writhing and futile attempts to curl up. My muscles nevertheless continued to twitch. Finally, the man approached me again and gave me another injection. This only caused further burning, but not in my veins or muscles, but on my skin. I rolled my eyes in pain and closed them desperately with a long drawn out moan.
I was already too weakened to do anything. I just kept moaning in pain and trying to breathe in. Sometimes I would open my eyes only to close them again or pull weakly on the straps, hoping they would open. Again I wanted to curl up, surely that would make it more bearable, but I couldn't do it. What was the point of all this? They wanted my help and then tried to kill me? Pretty funny that I had also believed they would let me live. For umpteenth time the man stuck a needle into my arm, but this time it was an anesthetic. Relieved, I closed my eyes and after a few seconds an absolute blackness enveloped me. Not the kind of restful blackness, though. The kind that made you feel restless.
Since I had no sense of time, I could only say that after some time the pain penetrated even through the thicket of unconsciousness. Stinging, twitching, terrible burning.
Only this time I had nothing else to focus on.
There was just the terrible fact that I didn't even know what this stuff was doing to me.


I went to my workplace in a rage. I couldn't stand this vampire to death, but most of all it was a problem that Jenny liked him and as it seemed she even tried to find excuses for his nature. All day she had been talking about how cruel it was to perform this shit on him.
My opinion?
The pain was only a small punishment for all the lives he had wiped out, but at least it was a start. And if he died from it? I don't care, less paperwork for me and I also didn't have to deal with his depraved character.
Jenny, on the other hand, would be terribly lost in his ways. I knew enough of such people and since women always looked for danger, they usually fell for them one after the other, unfortunately my sister too. The danger was also one of the reasons why she had insisted on also doing an apprenticeship at the DAM and being allowed to work in the field. I had also told her many times, but she was always very concerned with vampires and she refused to believe that this... race was as bloodthirsty, as it was in their nature. If I wasn't careful and made her understand WHAT he was and what it could mean, it would end up like one of those typical vampire dramas: In a disaster. If I could now also be sure that vampires had no sensations in the human sense, then all this would be no problem, but not even my father knew exactly which stories were true and which were not. That's why there was still the possibility that Widow also fell in love with my little sister and maybe even... God, that thought was disgusting all the way through. My cell phone vibrated and I answered it. The boss... I rolled my eyes.
"Yes?", I asked and booted up my PC to do my paperwork.
"Pack your stuff, we're going to the country for a few days.", He instructed me and hung up before I could even ask why.
"Great.", I mumbled, grabbed my briefcase, loaded the stack of papers into it and turned the PC right off again. Now I had to drive to my apartment and pack a travel bag as well
And all because I had taken that fucking vampire with me. I had rarely made such a stupid mistake.

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