Chapter 6

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As soon as I left the room, Max slammed the door behind me. I wheeled around angrily.
Just because he was my big brother, he sometimes imagined he had more say than I did. Except that I was the older one of us.
And aside from the fact that we were in the country and there wasn't much in the way of paperwork here, I didn't even know why I let him kick me out. In a bad mood, I walked to my room and saw a stack of paper on my desk.
However, it was not something I had brought with me.
When father had told us both that we were going to our old country home for a while, I hadn't assumed that my workplace was moving with me.
I quickly looked at the papers and realized that, thank God, I only had to assign them to departments with appropriate instructions.
And I could still do that later. I dropped into the chair and thought for a moment. I felt bad about what had happened to Widow and I had to make sure he didn't hold it against us. That meant we had to make it up to him somehow.
I strongly doubted that his immunity to sunlight was enough. In principle, that only excused the pain, not our inappropriate behavior.
I had to talk to my father about that, too.
Hadn't Max said that he wanted to talk to me anyway?
With a sigh, I got up and went out into the hallway. I couldn't tell where he was, so I set out to find him. As I turned a corner, however, I then crashed into him.
"Hey, I was looking for you, we need to talk for a minute."
"Is it about the paperwork?" he asked, straightening his tie, which must have slipped when we bumped into each other.
"More like we need to figure out something to make up for our misbehavior," I said, raising my eyebrows reproachfully. I wasn't going to make a secret of the fact that I hadn't thought it was the right way he had handled this whole situation. He eyed me and I saw him grit his teeth, but he nodded.
"I know, I'll think of something."
"I already have an idea. I could go to town with him. We haven't packed much, we need to have some groceries and some new clothes too.
I'm assuming he'd like to wear something other than the long-sleeved clothes now, too."
"He shouldn't overdo it with the sun yet, we don't know how his skin will react if he's in daylight again for a longer time now. Don't forget he's probably been out only at night for a couple of decades."
I nodded seriously.
"So we should also get some sunscreen then, just to be on the safe side."
The corners of his mouth twitched up slightly.
"Right, better safe than sorry.", He thought for a moment and turned his gaze to a spot on the ceiling behind me.
"I'll think about it Jenny, if then you shouldn't go alone."
"Dad, we're at our vacation home, far away from the company, no one will say anything."
He shook his head. "That's not the problem.
The issue is that he's still a vampire."
"I get it, all vampires are out to directly kill any human they come across. I guessed it, so he tried to slit my wrists when he couldn't even really move earlier," I said sarcastically, turning my back on him in a huff.
"Jennifer, don't underestimate this species. I'm not saying they can be diplomatic either, but they are..."
"...Basically animals who are usually ruled by their instincts, yes I know, you've drilled it into us often enough," I snorted and left. This conversation had not gone the way I had planned. But talking to my father about vampires was like trying to explain to a 90-year-old how a computer worked. It just didn't make sense. Maybe Widow managed to convince even my stubborn father. However, that possibility was very slim. More likely the world would end in the next three days.
I went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and sat out on the swing that was in the garden in front of the edge of the forest.
I could see the window of Widow's room from here, albeit at a rather acute angle.
Still, I could observe him standing at the window in the sun with his gaze fixed on the forest.
Without any question, he was really damn good looking and his body was too....
I paused even during this thought. I wasn't even allowed to think in that direction. Not in a thousand years. While I was convinced that he was unquestionably a very smart vampire, at this point I had to agree with my father. He still was a vampire, a completely different species that usually used humans as prey. All these hollywood-dramas usually guaranteed a happy ending. Twilight and all those books certainly made some people dream of getting a vampire, but those stories were far from reality.
Actually I should hate vampires. A group of them had murdered my mother. But I couldn't blame the whole species for that, it had been only a small group. And they had gotten their receipt. The only person to blame was my father. He had been too careless, especially as a vampire hunter. And we then saw what one got out of it.
All of us. Him, Max and me.
After that he had changed his profession to be able to protect his family, that is us, better.
But working as an agent wasn't the real thing either. Again I looked at Widow and when I saw him standing in the sunlight with his eyes closed, enjoying it deeply, I found it hard to believe that he too was one of those bloodthirsty monsters.

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