Chapter 7

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I hissed out in pain. My right leg was pinned as the car crashed into us. We were thrown off the road and into a tree. The impact also caused the airbags to deploy. Angrily, I tried to push the white cushion of air away to see if Jennifer was doing reasonably passably.
"Jenny?", I growled, feeling her pulse when she didn't respond. A shrill beeping irritated my usually fine hearing, so I couldn't focus on her heartbeat. But she was still alive, at least something. With another hiss I then tried to get my leg free and after a few minutes I managed to do so. Then I looked around for anything useful to smash the windshield with. But I found nothing. 
This day started really great. 
I cursed quietly and pulled my legs out of the footwell. With my healthy leg I kicked the windshield a few times. Since it was cracked, it broke after the fourth kick and I was able to pull myself out on the roof. I then unbuckled Jennifer and pulled her outside as well. 
I didn't even have a phone with which to call for help and her mobile, I regretfully discovered, was fucked after the crash. Mumbling more fancy curses, I put Jennifer in a stable lateral position and then limped over to the other car to see if the driver was still alive. 
If he was, he wouldn't be for much longer. 
But the car was empty. 
For a few seconds I looked around frowning, not sure what was going on. If this car was equipped with a remote control, then this action had been planned. I opened the car door and examined the interior. Sure enough, behind the steering wheel was some kind of machine with several cables linked to the car's electronics. 
The problem wasn't the remote control, or that Jenny was unconscious. The problem was that we were still a few miles from the village and too far from the house for me to reach any of them with an injured leg, within the next ten minutes. It would take at least an hour to heal.
Only it wouldn't take an hour for anyone else to show up here. 
That meant we were sitting ducks. 
I slammed the door again and went back to Jennifer to take her into the bushes. Pondering, I picked her up. As I lifted my eyes, I saw a small column of cars coming toward us on the road down the hill. 
"Great," I growled, taking her as far into the brush as I could. Blanking out the pain as much as possible, I ran back to the car and searched the back seat and trunk for weapons as fast as I could. However, a small pistol in a case, with two magazines each holding 12 rounds, was all I found. Better than nothing, but it wouldn't be enough if the guys were armed as well, which I thought they would be. 
With a heavy sigh, I laid down on the ground and slid under the car. If I crouched near Jennifer, she would make too easy a target. 
Back there in the woods, a gunfight between me and these people was almost harmless to her.
At least, if she didn't wake up and come back to the edge of the woods. 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment before the cars stopped. I waited until everyone had gotten out, who must have been ordered to inspect the car. There were four different heartbeats. When the car doors were briefly open, I had been able to count another three heartbeats, apart from the drivers of the three black SUVs. So a total of seven people who were dispatched to handle the situation. The three drivers generally remained uninvolved. Mostly they had the order to stay behind the wheel to enable a quick escape. 
I waited a few more seconds for the men to stand around the car and inspect the interior. 
"They're not inside and no sign of blood. Could be they both kept consciousness and escaped into the woods.", short silence, "Bill, Joe, radios on and search the edge of the woods. Even if they survived, they're probably injured and couldn't have gotten far.", said the man standing directly to my left. 
Then he crouched down. I pointed the gun at him and waited calmly until his face was visible. Then I pulled the trigger and he fell to the ground dead.
"Fuck!" shouted another one and bent down from the front to shoot at me, but I was faster and shot him in the calf and thigh, whereupon he went down out of reflex and I put a bullet in his head too. Then I rolled out from under the car. One of the two men, who were sent into the forest, came stumbling out of the bushes, gun raised, but he got caught in a few branches. I got hold of him, put him in a headlock and broke his neck before he knew what happened. 
Killing made easy: Just do it and don't think about who you killed.
At some point it just went by itself. 
Then a car door opened and two more men came out, both with guns. With a disgruntled growl, I took cover as one of them took aim and shot me. 
"Get out or she dies!" one of them shouted. 
Only now did I notice the fourth man coming out of the woods with Jenny. She had regained consciousness and was trying to wriggle out of the man's grip. He hit her with the handle of his gun and she became unconscious again. 
I growled. That's why it was easier to fight alone. Anyway, I couldn't sacrifice her life, then this duman would surely kill me. Or worse.
If the guy had really been a vampire hunter, he surely knew one or two nice torture methods for my kind. 
And even though no one had told me specifically yet, I had been able to smell from the first moment that Jennifer, Max and the great Jonas Duman came from a direct bloodline. Apart from the fact that she had spoken of her "father" in the car earlier.
So now, if I allowed her to be murdered just because I was too proud to admit defeat...
With another growl, I then stood up, gun and hands raised in the air. Then I slowly came out from behind the car. 
"Throw it away," ordered one of the men with the guns. Both barrels were still pointed at me. 
I gritted my teeth and threw the gun into the bushes a few feet away. And all this because of a job I should have kept my hands off. 
The men nodded to each other, lowered their barrels and came towards me in unison. 
But as long as the gun of the last man continued to rest against Jenny's temple, I could afford no outbursts. Then the third came out of the van. 
He drew up a syringe and came toward me as well. I wrinkled my nose at the smell of a narcotic. 
This story was not going to end well.
I just wasn't quite sure yet for whom.

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