Chapter 13

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"Where are we going?", I asked as the car turned off to the airport. I had suspected for a while that our ride would end here, but hadn't said anything.
"You'll see when we get to the gate," Jonas said, calling someone on his cell phone. With a grumble, I watched as the car pulled into the parking lot and the agents got out.
Then the door was opened for me.
I eyed the agent who was waiting for me to get out, but I took my time unbuckling my seatbelt and then getting out of the car. The other pushed a khaki travel bag into my hand. I eyed the two of them. Neither of them had spoken a word during the trip. They really were the walking cliché. I remembered the movie poster of Men in Black and stifled a grin.
Jonas now got out as well and hung up.
"There's some fresh clothes in there, you can go to the bathroom and freshen up for a minute."
I raised my eyebrows.
"I don't think I should stand in front of a mirror in such a public place. Unless they have a luxury bathroom here that only one person is allowed in at a time, maybe I shouldn't risk blowing my cover," I said, dropping the bag on the floor in front of me.
"You don't have a reflection?" asked Jonas, seeming to consider. I gestured with my hand at the reflections in the car's paint and, among other things, my missing one.
"That indeed could be a problem. They have a mirror front on the left wall in the entrance.", he looked to the entrance of the airport and thought.
"Well, I guess you'll have to go to your important appointment without me, such a nuisance." I shrugged and made a move to call myself a cab. The moment I extended my hand, both agents raised their weapons and pointed them at my head. The surrounding people started to stare and took their distance.
"Chill.", I raised my hands slowly and turned back to them.
"Put the guns down, I said only in case of emergency. And stubbornness is not much of a threat to us, in my opinion.", Jonas said and his winged monkeys lowered the weapons again, but did not put them away.
"Well, let's do it this way, I'll go in, have a quick chat with the staff, and then we'll sneak you in through the staff entrance. I'm assuming you'll be allowed to use their bathroom briefly as well. There shouldn't be any problems, they're usually lockable," Jonas said with a sigh and gestured to one of the agents to come along, while the other was supposed to stay with me.
As soon as Jonas left, an anxious silence spread.
I cleared my throat, picked up the bag, and quickly looked through what they had gotten for me to wear. A pair of jeans, another cardigan, clean socks and a simple t-shirt. And thank god it was all in black. There was also a suit in the bag.
An ugly suit.
I had a vague suspicion.
"Yo strawhead, this super important meeting, I don't have to come in on it, do I?", I asked the agent over my shoulder.
"That's pretty much the only reason I'm bringing you along in the first place," Jonas replied in his place.
"Ah. Tell me, did it have to be a fucking pinstripe suit? And...", I pulled out the bag of suits,"...A red tie? Seriously? Can I ask who picked that?", I stuffed the suit back, zipped up the bag and turned to face him.
"I did.", Jonas said with a stiff smile, "I don't know what the problem is though."
"Are you kidding? I'm not a real estate agent."
"So you are going to see my superiors in that getup?" he asked boldly and pointed at my clothes.
"I don't want to go to your superiors at all. And I'm certainly not going there in such a ridiculous costume," I replied coldly. I would never go to that shit voluntarily, after all.
"You don't need a costume to make a fool of yourself. Your lack of manners is quite enough, at least where we're going," Jonas said, handing one of the agents a key and gesturing us to follow him. I wrinkled my nose and left it at that. What was I supposed to discuss with this idiot now.
I had enough manners without question. However, I didn't want to fall out of my role as a professional killer and give the impression that I was a stuck-up asshole.
Someday the day would come when I would surprise her. Only, did I even want to?
Show that I was more than they saw in me?
Not really. I could live without people's opinions.
After a few minutes, we were let in through a private entrance and I was led to the staff locker room. I was briefly explained that there was a small lockable washroom next to the locker rooms and then I was left alone with the fancy travel bag.
As I discovered, the bag also contained a towel, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant and a comb, so actually the whole package.
Even a toothbrush and toothpaste.
It took me just under ten minutes to wash off the grime from the fire and change.
Then, after washing my hair at the sink, I rejoined Jonas and the other two.
By now I knew we were in the ass end of nowhere. We were at the very edge of New York State. However, according to my guess, it would probably get worse. And at the gate, I finally caught a glimpse of the plane tickets.
"London?!", I hissed when I saw the destination and stopped abruptly.
"It's a nice country." said Jonas unabashedly, "They have good tea."
I stared at him for a split second.
"Without me.", I then said indignantly, "For fuck's sake, I'm not going to London!".
"Yes, you will. In my company and without arguing.", Jonas nodded at the agents.
"What...?", I continued, but I saw one of them pull out a small syringe. Immediately, I took a few steps back.
"Don't you dare," I growled as menacingly as I could. I had no inhibition about defending myself at this point.
"Don't make a scene, Widow, the people you knew there have been dead for ages," Jonas glared at me as if my behavior was downright childish.
I laughed out loud.
"You really think I'm scared that someone will recognize me?!", I asked icily, "Screw you, I'm not going back to that dirty town."
Besides, it was less about the people who might recognize me, of which there should be none by now, but more about my past, which I had been running from for years.
"You have clearance to shoot should he stick to his decision," Jonas said with a wave of his hand, already walking into the plane. One of them now had a gun in his hand and the other was still holding up the syringe. The one with the syringe came storming towards me and while I was still busy keeping the needle away from me the other one shot at me.
He hit me in the arm and I hissed. I discovered that the gun was also loaded with anesthetic.
I started to curse again and tried to wriggle out of the other agent's grip, but my legs gave way under me within seconds. I saw the ceiling above me and the agents bending over me.
Then everything went black.

When I woke up again, I was sitting next to Jonas in the flying plane. A few minutes passed before I got to the point where I knew again why I was on that plane.
"I hate you.", I mumbled as I slowly came back to my senses. Carefully, I sat up and massaged my temples. I had been leaning against his shoulder while I had slept. Almost embarrassing, however, I had completely different worries, because I was terribly sick.
"What the fuck was that stuff?", I could barely get my eyes open, you'd think it was elephant tranquilizer.
"That stuff is used for big game hunting, worked well for your kind," he explained and I heard him turn some pages.
I opened my eyes a crack to see what he was doing. He was reading an in-flight magazine.
"Fuuuck," I groaned softly and pulled the hood of my cardigan over me. I had the window seat and pulled down the sunshade with a weak movement.
Just too bright.
Then I settled back into the seat a little further and closed my eyes, hoping the flight would pass quickly.
"The nausea should wear off in a couple of hours, though you shouldn't run a marathon with it for the next twelve hours," he added.
"Shit, what?", I asked, pulling my hood to the side a bit to look at him.
"You should work on your word choice a bit, Widow," he reprimanded me.
Annoyed, I pulled my hood back over my face and just waited in silence for the next half hour.
At some point, I heard Jonas slam the magazine shut and then I felt a slap on my thigh.
As I was dozing off half asleep, I winced and looked at him sullenly.
"Tell me something," he then said to me.
He seemed in an unusually good mood just then.
"Do me a favor and just shut the fuck up," I muttered, dropping back into the seat.
"I take it you weren't always this grumpy before your transformation."
"Don't," I grumbled, leaning my head back.
"Just leave me and my god damn life alone.", I said, but was interrupted by the cracking of the speakers. The announcement came that turbulence was to be expected in the next half hour. I groaned in despair. Hopefully the bathroom was clear.
"Shit, I haven't felt this bad in a long time," I said to myself, thinking about when the last time had been.
Last actually a few years before my transformation. I must have been 16 or 17 years old. It was some illness that had made the rounds in the winter. I couldn't remember feeling that dirty when you were that sick, though.
"I thought you didn't want to talk about your past?"
"That was an observation," I grumbled, and as the first turbulence hit, I clutched at the arm pad of the seat. Aside from feeling sick, I had additionally never been on a plane before.
Ships were no problem. Car, bus, or train rides weren't either. But airplanes I just didn't trust.
"You okay?" he asked, amused, when he saw me holding on.
"Let me through.", I then muttered at the next gust of wind and tried to stand up, though my legs didn't quite want to yet.
"Want me to help?" he asked and I could tell he was serious this time.
"Just make room," I growled and finally pushed past him, clinging to the other seat backs to keep from toppling over.
The bathroom was occupied, though.
Annoyed, I leaned against one of the partitions and tried to pull myself together a little.
With the next gust of wind, however, I couldn't get a grip on the wall fast enough and was grateful at first that someone was supporting me. I was about to mutter a 'thank you' when I realized it had been Jonas. With a growl I pushed him away and was about to curse on him, but at that very moment the door opened.
A young woman came out, smiled shyly at us as we passed, and went back to her seat.
"Are you going to be okay?", asked Jonas seriously, now eyeing me in sorrow.
"Hm.", I rumbled quietly, entering the bathroom and pulling the door shut behind me.
First I let myself fall against the door from the inside, then onto my knees, and then I couldn't help but throwing up. They would definitely not give me this anesthetic again.
I would know to prevent that.

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