Chapter 8

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A couple of volunteers sat with me in the truck that went to the factory yard where Jenny and Widow were being held. It was not very far from our house, actually worrisome. It was also one of the organizations that had already made us uncomfortable in recent weeks.
I was in charge of negotiations so that my companions could free Jennifer and the vampire. My father managed the operation from the country house. If Widow had half of his strength, we had a good chance of getting this over with quickly.
We drove along several dirt roads until we came to the front yard. On the property was a large concrete block, it was probably the main building, and a storage shed with parking facilities. The entrance to the yard was blocked with a gate.
"Well camouflaged..." said Robert, one of my friends.
"You mean this nondescript-looking building in the middle of nowhere?", I muttered and got out. I looked for the gatekeeper and explained to him that I and my business partners were here because of a negotiation. Of course, I mentioned my companions and made them out to be 'bodyguards', which they basically were.
Then I got back in the car and we were let in.
"Remember, three of you will be waiting at the main entrance for me to return. As soon as I'm led by the staff to the negotiation room, you'll make your way to the camera net. You got the info an hour before we left. While I'm stalling, you look for my sister and the vampire," I said again. After I had everyone's approval, we got out to go inside. However, there was no one at the door to welcome us and the entrance was deserted. I frowned and looked around scrutinizingly.
"Split up. Start in the basement," I instructed, gesturing Robert to stay with me since I had come as an unarmed middleman.
We followed the main corridor until we were in front of a double door.
I knocked.
No one opened or invited us in.
My buddy loaded the gun and I pushed the door open. Halfway through, something heavy blocked it. I looked down and saw the lifeless body of a man in a suit. When I looked up I saw Widow, who had just dropped another man.
Jenny stood quite a distance away, one gun raised and pointed at the door I was now coming in through.
"Max!" she lowered the gun instantly, running toward me falling around my neck, "Thank God!"
"You took so long, we've started without you before," Widow said as he turned away from the body and patted down his clothes.
The top he was wearing was red with blood and pretty tattered.
I raised my eyebrows. Jenny, on the other hand, seemed completely unharmed.
"Where's the guy who's in charge here?", I inquired, but I could guess. Widow pointed with a nod to the man he had just killed.
"Great, and you didn't happen to think about the consequences of that, did you?", I sighed, thinking about how we could cover this up.
"I found here," he pulled a phone out of his pocket, "A mobile that I used to send a message to my employer. This one informed me that there was a bounty on this man's head. An open order, if you will. How, when and by whom he dies doesn't matter. And since I couldn't do my last job - the one with the funny little stick, remember?- and I also have expenses to cover, I took this little chance," he said and put the device away again.
Behind me I heard footsteps.
Fast and many footsteps.
I turned around and saw my comrades-in-arms coming toward me.
"Max, down there..." they saw Widow and Jenny.
"...We can go.", I said coldly, waving my hand in the direction of the exit. They nodded, turned and waited for us at the door. Widow pushed past me, also heading towards the exit.
Several bullet holes stood out on his back as well. As Jenny tried to pass me, I held her by the arm and sought eye contact, which she avoided.
"Did he do something to you?", I asked her insistently. She looked at me with her eyebrows drawn together.
Was she angry with me?
"If you want to know for sure, he saved my life. Already for the second time. You'd do well to start meeting him halfway, Max."
"You guys coming?" asked Widow annoyed from down the hall, "They won't leave without you and I wouldn't mind a shower."
"Yeah," she turned away from me and just left.
I stopped for a moment and thought. Was she really mad that this vampire had saved her life? Or was it because of something else in the end?

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